"Fine", I said, putting on my pink Converse canvas shoes.

He handed me something as I stood.

"What's this?"

"My check card. Buy whatever you need in order to look the way you want for the wedding. I don't care how much it is".

I started to protest and he cut me off.

"Baby, we've discussed money. You don't have a job and I'm glad you don't.  I don't want you draining your savings down to the last penny before you let me help you. We're partners. If I needed you to bring in an income, I would say something. Please take it".

He wiggled the card at me.

I took it then stood on my tiptoes to give him a kiss before heading out the door.

I got into my dark gray Dodge Durango and drove to the bridal shop downtown. I didn't see Bre's Camry but I headed in anyway.

I spotted the pack of them as soon as I stepped in. They were still in the lobby. Seeing them all together was impactful and intimidating. They were all tall and beautiful. Bre, Brittany, and Bailey were all the same height, close to six feet tall, and over it in heels. Bethany was a couple inches shorter, but was still tall. They all had olive toned skin, large dark brown eyes, long perfect hair that did what they wanted it to, wide smiles, and dimples in each cheek.

Their mother, Donna, was much more petite than her daughters, but still taller than me, with pale skin and chin length chestnut brown hair.  Their grandma was tiny, bent, and frail looking, with curly white hair and a pleasant smile.

Brittany, the oldest sister, made eye contact.

"PAIGIE!!!", she shrieked and bustled over, enveloping me in a motherly hug. Brittany was the curviest of the four and dyed her long hair various shades of blond balayage, so I could pick her out easily. I had seen photos of them all. Brittany had also talked to me on the phone and via text before. She seemed like an incredibly kind and social person. She also liked fashion and worked part time at a boutique in the mall. Her husband was Adam, who was also in the wedding, and their sons Cashton and Dominic would be ushers, as they were the oldest nephews of Bre. I had seen Adam before when I went to church with Bre and Steve, because he played guitar for the worship team, but I had never met him.

I was a little taken aback by Brittany calling me by Steve's pet name for me, but hugged her back regardless. He had started calling me that before we were dating. It used to annoy me, and I used to try to put a stop to it, but somewhere along the line it grew on me. I'd even caught Bre saying it a few times recently.

Brittany released me and patted my cheek with her manicured hand. She smelled expensive.

"You are even more beautiful in person!", she gushed. Her long hair was parted down the middle and hanging in perfect waves as Bre's always did, but Bre let her hair be it's natural shade of chestnut brown, and wore it parted on the side with side-swept bangs.

Brittany wrapped her arm around me and guided me over to the rest. Bre greeted me with her winning smile, a dimple popping up in each cheek. She looked as perfect as always. Her hair in perfect waves, her dark brown tshirt and navy blue skinny jeans hugging her tall, muscular body.

"Don't smother her, Brit", Bre cautioned.

"I'm nooooootttttt", Brittany emphasized. "I've only been waiting to meet her forever, and now that I have her, I'm not letting go! She's so little!", Brittany gushed as she gave me a squeeze, and everyone laughed, including me.

I was only five foot two, and currently weighed a hundred and ten pounds. That's about where my weight had sat prior to pregnancy, so all my old clothes were fitting again.

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