"Madame Y/LN, President Kim would like to discuss things regarding your sister's condition in her office. Please follow me."

At this rate, Y/N was about to pass out from all the shocking revelations that has happened for the past few hours.

She stuttered out slowly, "The President of the hospital is... is looking for me?" The Chairman could only give a curt nod in response.

Upper Floor, President Kim's Office

Y/N was startled when the man left her in front of the President's door after knocking twice. She looked helpless all of a sudden and had no idea what to do.

But suddenly she heard a feminine voice, "Oh? Come in." It sounded youthful.

Y/N reached for door knob and quietly opened the door. She was scared to even lay a finger on the President's belongings.

As she was in the process of closing the door behind her, she stared at the woman sitting behind the desk.

The President looked a bit older than Y/N. She had a sophisticated and gorgeous glow to her. A pen was resting behind her ear, making her look less intimidating.

She just stared at the woman in front of her.

This young lady was... the President?!

Y/N had assumed that the Head of the hospital was a man. She thought wrong.

"Miss Y/LN. It's great to see you. Take a seat, will you?" She looks up when she heard the woman's voice for the first time.

When Y/N looked at her full of curiosity, Yeri also took this as a chance to admire her features.

She understood why Mina had taken interest in the woman standing in front of her.

Yeri scans her up and down like a censor. Although Y/N was only sporting a leather jacket and casual attire, she still exuded a cool aura. Something about Y/N kept making her feel fluttery.

She has met many beautiful people in her lifetime yet she could not help but admire Y/N's sharp features.

But as her eyes trail down, she notices something around her neck and chest region.

It had faint scratch marks.

Mina really slept with this woman.

Yeri realises that the woman was becoming tensed by her deep stare so she immediately stops her thoughts.

"Miss Y/LN, there is no need to feel nervous around me. Would you like a glass of water or wine?" She offers smoothly with a friendly smile.

Y/N's shoulders relax at the sight and a gentle smile appears on her face before she speaks.

"There is no need for that, President. I would like to talk about Heejin's condition as soon as we can." She sits up straight and looks at Yeri dead in the eye. "Is there something I should be worried about?"

Yeri's eyes flicker between her and the wine on her desk before she takes a sip.

"Mhm. Since her illness was diagnosed when she was only 17, and the fact that she hasn't been getting stable treatment, it has worsened."

The temporary peace that invaded Y/N's heart immediately dispersed, "What do you mean?"

"Miss Y/LN, I'll be straight forward. It would be best for your sister to receive surgery as soon as possible. Seeing the events that happened today, it cannot be delayed further."

"In fact, the event that happened to her earlier today just caused her to miss the best period where she can receive the surgery." Y/N's face looked miserable as her voice almost escaped as a whimper.

"I-I see...." She tried to muster up words in response to the President's words but she was too shaken to do so.

"But, the surgery is not truly impossible. The results may not be desirable but it is doable."

"You just said the results may not be desirable. What is the point of my sister undergoing surgery then?" Y/N didn't mean to come off as hostile but she couldn't help it.

"It all depends on the surgeon." Yeri's voice was firm as she stared Y/N down. "The better the surgeon, the better the results. Your sister can even recover faster if the surgeon is outstanding."

This is it. This was Y/N's chance to save her sister's life. All she needed was an outstanding surgeon that is willing to perform the surgery.

But... where would she start?

With that question in mind she hesitantly asks Yeri, "President, could you perform the surgery? Or do you know anyone else who is capable of doing the job?"

Yeri shook her head with a faint smile, "No, this case is far from my capabilities." She could see Y/N turning pale from her reply so she quickly follows.

"But I do know someone who specialises in this field. She might even do it for free."

Y/N rejoices as she hears this. It was obvious that she had no funds to pay for the surgery. She doubts her family, who refused to treat Heejin, would even spare a dime for her.

"The thing is, shes a businesswoman now. It's been years since I last saw her work as a surgeon in my hospital. There is a chance she might not agree."

The happiness that filled her heart once again disappeared into thin air when she heard Yeri's words.

Years since she last performed a surgery...

There is a chance she might not agree...

But there is a chance she might agree!

Y/N held on this narrow piece of hope and remained positive.

Heejin was the only one that stayed true to her in the family. She had no plans of giving up on her.

With a new goal in mind, she asks the President with determination filing her voice, "Would you please give me the surgeon's contact information?"

Yeri doesn't reply so she continues, "I would like to try and persuade her. I really don't want to lose my sister.." She nervously pleads the President.

A glint of amusement flashed across Yeri's face. She was delighted that her plan was successful. So with a soft sigh she nods her head.

"Alright. I don't see anything wrong with trying. I'll send you her contact information and work address." She pauses for a bit "But when you meet her, you absolutely cannot tell her that I was the one who directed you to her, understood?"

Y/N almost cried tears of joy as she furiously nodded her head, she was really thankful that the President was a kind woman.

As Y/N was endlessly thanking her, Yeri hides a smile and chuckles at her thoughts.

"Oh, Mina. You will thank me for this."

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