Alice and Peter had gotten into a rather interesting conversation over whether Muggle school was more or less difficult than wizarding school.

Aries glanced at Remus, noticing he was staring at her, a small smile pulling at her lips. "I do remember a time when we made a bit of a wager." Remus started, peaking Aries attention.

"Alright, what'll it be this time." Aries asked taking a bite of a waffle.

"How about, if Gryffindor wins, I get the pleasure of taking you out on a date." This deal happened to put the attention on Aries and Remus, seeing as their friends had gone quiet in interest.

"Hm, and if Ravenclaw wins?" Aries asked raising a brow.

"Well Ravenclaw won't win, but if they do, you decide what happens next." Remus shrugged.

Aries bit her lip for a moment before deciding with a nod, "you're on Lupin, you've got yourself a deal." Remus grinned as the girls wiggled their brows and the boys cheered a holler.

"Now now boys, let's go win a match!" James yelled as the Gryffindor team began getting rather loud and exited the Great Hall with the rest of the Gryffindor fans.

"The match doesn't start for another hour, why is everyone going to the pitch now?" Lily asked.

"Because usually the bleachers tend to fill around fourth five minutes before it starts." Alice answered.

The girls sat in silence for a moment before looking down at their pajama clad bodies, "we should go get dressed." Marlene said in realization.



Since Aries didn't like heights all that much and Madame Pomfrey had asked her to go to the Quidditch match in her place, the girl ended up staying down on the ground for any fallen players.

"Come to wish us luck as well?" Duncan Inglebee asked making Aries turn around.

"Only if you think you'll need luck to win." Aries countered making the team chuckle.

"It's not about luck, or strength for that matter. You just need to outsmart the enemy." Chloe Davies grinned, wiggling her brows.

"Of course, the question is, can you outsmart them?" Aries asked slyly, "though I do wish you all good luck." She shrugged.

"Which side are you on exactly?" Duncan asked furrowing his brows.

"I'm a Slytherin, I'm not on a side." She giggled before walking over to where the Gryffindor team had just come out.

"Ready to win or ready to lose?" Aries asked Sirius as he nudged her with his shoulder.

"Im ready to win." Sirius nodded, though his brows furrowed when he looked over at a rather nervous looking Ravenclaw team.

"What did you do?" Remus asked while Jessie McLaggen helped Alice into her left glove and Remus her right.

Aries faked a gasp, "I didn't do anything except share a few words." She shrugged, a mischievous grin now on her pink lips.

James chuckled, "well whatever you said surely helped." He ruffled his hair as he saw Lily walk by with Marlene and Alice. Honey had been practically dragging Ben over to the stands while he childishly whined.

"Stop being a baby, it's Quidditch!" Honey said waving her hands around to emphasize her point.

"I told you, I want to rehearse, there will be other Quidditch matches." Ben sighed.

"There will be other days to rehearse." Honeys words made Ben gasp.

"Using my words against me, how dare you!" Ben said, though Honey didn't seem to care as she took his hand once more, leading him up to the bleachers.

"Who do you think will propose, Honey or Ben?" James asked.

"Probably Honey." Marlene said

"Most likely Ben." Sirius had said with her in unison.

Marlene raised a brow in the dark haired boys direction, "you wanna bet?" She asked, daring him with her eyes.

Sirius bit his lip, smirking, before stepping up to her, "how about it? 5 galleons it'll be Ben."

Marlene giggled slyly, "10 galleons it'll be Honey, one month after graduation." She wagered as the rest of the group watched their banter in amusement.



The two shook on it, forgetting to let go for a moment as they stared each other down. Though what happened next was a complete shock.

Marlene had taken hold of the collar of Sirius' jersey and smashed her lips on his. Remus and James' jaws had dropped while Aries had given Alice 2 galleons.

Peter was looking away, red faced, and Lily was finding the ground rather fascinating.

As the two pulled apart, Marlene had taken a warm glow to her cheeks, Sirius was still wide eyed and sporting the biggest blush anyone had ever seen.

"Good luck, Black." Marlene had whispered quietly to him while he made a sort of sound of acknowledgment.

Marlene had taken Alice and Peters arms before walking up to the bleachers.

"Bloody hell." Sirius had said, running his thumb over his now red lips.

Remus and James, both having similar ideas, turned to Lily and Aries. The two immediately rolling their eyes and scoffing, "no way." Lily shook her head and heading off to the bleachers as well, only then did Aries notice the Gryffindor scarf around her neck with the number 5 on it.

James Potters number

"Since when did you and Lily get so close?" Aries asked turning towards James who seemed to no longer be holding back his dreaming gaze.

"Since I took your advice over break, I stopped trying to get Evans to go out with me and rather impress her with improving my studies. It seems to be working." James said with a grin.

"Awww, I'm glad." Aries cooed cheekily.

"AND LETS GET STARTED, OUR RAVENCLAW TEAM, LETS HEAR IT FOR OUR TEAM BLUE!" Gideon Prewett called out, the Ravenclaw team quickly getting on their brooms and flying up to the sound of cheering.

"Gryffindors next, be careful out there." Aries said before leaning up and giving Remus a soft, short and sweet kiss, "good luck." She smiled to Remus as he grinned.

His heart now pulsing in his chest from the cheers but now from the kiss, "AND NOW FOR OUR GRYFFINDOR TEAM, LETS HEAR IT FOR OUR TEAM RED!!!" Fabian Prewett called out.

James got in his broome first, the rest of the teens following suit before flying out and hearing twice the amount of cheering from the crowds.

Well this is going to be fun


I couldn't help myself, I had to write this chapter out tonight otherwise yall would tackle me with questions. And now you probably have more because of Mindy Farfield.

So it's obvious the Ministry has already started becoming oblivious, and now Mindy Farfield is doing community service instead of going to Azkaban, weird right?

Stay on your toes for the next few chapters!!

Oh and by the way, don't forget to comment some couple names for all these characters! Love to find some for Remus and Aries, along with Lily and James and Marlene and Sirius.

Thanks for reading! So close to 100k!

Love y'all

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