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Aries stared at the red rose on her nightstand, wondering how long it had been since she truly looked at it. The red petals looked like they were thriving, each as red as crimson lipstick.

It seemed to glow slightly as she tilted her head. The deep mossy green stem floating, hovering above the dark wood nightstand and capsuled by a glass cover.

Small little Muggle lights were strung around the inside glass, only adding to the natural glow it had already produced.

Though Aries thoughts were put on pause as Marlene started snapping her finger in her face.

"Are you even listening to me?! Meredith! OWLs are coming up soon and I'm actually putting in time to study here. At least try to fake paying attention." The blonde shook her head in annoyance as she began rereading the potions ingredients for Slughorn.

He seemed to be the only Professor willing to give out a study guide for the biggest test of the year.

Mindy was sitting on Aries bed as well, much to both of their displeasure, Marlene had made the girl study with them. The blonde had called it "roommate bonding time".

This being said, it wasn't that of which got Mindy to sit down. It was when Marlene wouldn't stop rambling on and on about absolute nonsense, that Mindy took her spot with ease.

Though, Mindy didn't speak a word when she didn't have to and only grumbled a few words when she did.

"Now, what are the main ingredients to brewing Strengthening Solution?" Marlene asked Aries as the raven haired girl looked back from the rose.

"Salamander blood and powdered griffin claw." Aries said with a shrug. She knew these potions in and out. It was one of the key standards necessary to help work in the medical wing.

"Mindy, what potions can I find Salamander blood in?" Marlene quizzed.

"Er...the Strengthening Solution and Fire Protection Potion." She answered.

"You're missing one." Aries pointed out flatly.

"No I'm not." Mindy spoke defiantly.

"Actually you are. You're missing the Wiggenwald Potion." Marlene nodded.

"Ugh! We've been studying for hours and my brain needs a break!" Mindy said as she stood up from Aries bed and started towards the door, "I think I'm going to find my Rem-"

Before Mindy could even finish speaking, she had opened the door to a rather tall and lanky boy in Gryffindor robes.

"Remus" Aries asked as she stood up as well. This making Marlene huff and slam her potions book closed, tossing it on the bed and crossing her arms moodily.

"Hi Remmy" Mindy said twirling her hair around her finger and biting her lip slightly. A hidden smug smile that only Aries knew was there. "Come to take me out of this boring study?"

Remus shook his head, "actually I'm here for Ar-" his words caught when he found the rose he had given her thriving under the glass lid. His heart thumping madly as a smile grazed his lips. "Im here for Aries. I promised a bit of fun before everyone panicked over the OWLs tests" Remus said looking to Aries as she smiled.

"Too late for that" Mindy sighed rolling her eyes. "How did you get in here anyway. And Slytherin guy would rather beat you alive than have you in here." She spat.

"As it turns out..." Remus smirked, "I happen to know how to get in here on my own and the counter spell for those sexist stairs." He shrugged.

"Only a matter of time before the Marauders figured it out." Aries shook her head absentmindedly as she pulled her hair into a slick back ponytail and grabbed her wand, making her way to the door.

Her Single Rose (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now