Chapter 56: Too Many Cooks

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The next morning, Figgel conversed with Mekkar and the lab experts across from me while Mazamu kept Uzmed busy in the Southie corridor. I could only pick at my breakfast omelet, stomach churning and brain hurtling.

Rekkan planned to search less easily-explained locations in the lab until 8:15 and then move to more realistic Fluffy-searching places. The rhombus clock in the middle of the cafeteria announced the time in neon green.


For ten more minutes, Rekkan was in danger.

What if Rekkan returned with a false smile and new ideas about freedom? The thought of Rekkan losing everything that made him Rekkan terrified me more than an Overcooked toddler with gaping eye sockets.

Fennikk slid into the seat beside me and flashed a smile. Chocolate from a muffin smeared her lips. "Hi, Mister Zafaru!"

I fought a flicker of irritation; the urge to tell her to go away. Your positivity is interrupting my stressing. But it was good to remember some people retained their spirits. Some were worth saving.

"Hi, Fennikk."

"Where's Mister Rekkan?"

All three lab experts and Mekkar paused their conversations to peek at me.

"He's looking for Fluffy," I said. "She escaped her jar."

Mekkar widened his eyes and tucked his legs up off the ground.

Fennikk's mouth formed a circle. "Oh, no! I hope he finds her. It's a good thing your baby is tough. You two are pretty good daddies, but not as good as my mommy."

"I'm sure that's true," I obliged.

"She's actually a Supermom. One time, she drove a bulldozer through a horde of Implanted, and then she hurled a flamethrower at them!"

Mekkar's eyes flitted across the room to Serigg, and his prepared bite of food floated down until his fork clinked his plate. "Your mother must be very brave, Fennikk."

She jerked her shoulders in a no-big-deal shrug. "It's because she loves me too much. That's what she told me. When you love someone too much, you have no other choice."

On cue, Nikkla appeared at Fennikk's side and clucked her tongue. "Fennikk, I asked you to stay right with me until we figure out what's going on here."

"Fennikk was just telling us about how you drove a bulldozer through a horde of Implanted and then hit them with a flamethrower," I said.

Nikkla's lips twitched, but her eyebrows remained drawn. "There were only two Implanted, I drove a tractor, and I threw a stick lit on fire. Now come, Fennikk."

Fennikk rolled her eyes as she hopped up from the chair. "Whatever, Supermom."

As the pair retreated to their usual table on the Northerner side, Mekkar picked up his fork and straightened his shoulders once more. "Well, too bad Rekkan's not here. Particularly good breakfast today, don't you think?"

I forced a smile and stabbed another bite. "Yes. Perfectly cooked."

Would you cook your own nephew, Mekkar?

"Speaking of people not here," said Mekkar, "Did you hear about Ivogg? We found him in the miniature paradise this morning acting strangely." He nodded at the lab experts seated beside us. "These three lovely ladies brought him to Doctor Vizan in the infirmary."

I choked on a slimy bit of egg. "And how is Ivogg now?"

His heavy eyebrows scrunched like inchworms. "Well, something is definitely amiss. Hair loss, purple spots... and too happy."

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