Chapter 15: Crazy

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The henchmen argued for the entire three-hour walk to the Cutthroat Crew's base. Even after the light faded and the red-haired man lit a lantern, the boisterous debate never lulled.

"I've killed way more Infected," the yellow-capped henchman said, adjusting his hold on my wrists. "Remember that playground of Infected kids? Even nabbed their teacher."

The blue-capped henchwoman snorted. "The teacher counts as my kill. I got in the last jab before his head exploded."

"But I did most of the work."

Blue-cap rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I've bedded more women than you have."

"Well, I've bedded prettier ones. One even had all her teeth!"

As they talked, I noted every change in my body. The bite itched beneath my coat sleeve. Was the virus spreading? Cold sweat trickled down my spine. A fever? My empty stomach grumbled. Would I soon crave human flesh?

We reentered the forest, and the lantern cast swinging shadows through the trees. The redhead jerked around the lantern and swept glances right and left, and I jumped at each movement. The hench people prattled on, boots clomping snow and breaking sticks.

"Remember when I fell down that hill and pretended I was dead?" The blue-capped woman flashed a toothy grin. "And you started crying! That was hilarious."

"Yeah, yeah," grumbled the henchman behind me. "But I got you back when that Infected chewed through my arm, and then I pretended I was Infected and chased you."

I twisted around to raise eyebrows at the man. "An Infected bit you?"

His eyebrows shot up, disappearing under the fuzzy yellow cap. "Like two years ago. What's it to you?"

"Did its teeth break through your skin?"

He barked a laugh. "Break through skin? Blasted thing nearly took my arm off."

I blinked at him, mouth ajar. If what he said was true, the spider-baby bite might not Infect me after all. But... but it didn't make sense.

"So if that didn't Infect you," I said, "Then how does the Infection spread?"

He shrugged. "Maybe you Southies should have clarified that with Looney Lazora before you unleashed her virus."

I shook my head. "Lazora didn't—"

The redhead whipped around to face us. "Eternal Ether, will you all please shut up and keep moving?"

Both stocking caps bowed low, and they murmured a unison reply. "Yes, boss. Sorry, boss."

The yellow-capped man shoved me forward once more.

With my fear of becoming Infected somewhat assuaged, I started to worry that these people were truly going to cut off my fingers. How many of my body parts would be dismembered before they finally realized Rekkan was not coming for me? Before they killed me?

Minutes later, the ground sloped upward, and the trees tapered off to reveal the fort. Stones, sticks, and mud patched together the crumbling walls. Behind a dilapidated wooden gate, five guards perched on rickety stands with arrows notched in bows. When their eyes locked on the redhead, they lowered their weapons.

"Welcome back, boss!" said one guard, a petite woman with a messy side ponytail. "You brought another prisoner?"

The redhead grinned. "Not just any prisoner, my friends. This one could change the fate of our crew forever."

The five guards scanned me up and down. Scratched their heads. Finally, one man ventured an eloquent inquiry.


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