Start from the beginning

Fallon looked at her shocked before Kali and the twins walked into the classroom. "Good job, Nadia." Kali said and Nadia looked at Fallon in guilt before Fallon's eyes fluttered and she fell to the ground.

Isaac sat on a wood pallet with Derek standing next to him and Boyd on a separate pallet not far away as the sun started going down. The entire loft floor was covered in water as an electrical wire sat in the water. "Isn't that light supposed to be on?" Isaac asked, making them all look over at a control box, "Yeah..." Derek said.

"What does it mean if it's not?" Isaac asked and Derek took a deep breath, "Someone cut the auxiliary power." He said. "What about the main-" Boyd went to ask but all of the sudden all the lights went out making them shoot up. Derek glanced down at the water before slowly stepping down. Boyd and Isaac watched as nothing happening to him as he walked over to the main room.

"Derek... What do we do now?" Isaac asked and Derek looked up at the door with red eyes, "We fight."

A few seconds later there was some banging and clanging coming from the door before it got pulled open as Boyd and Isaac went to stand next to Derek. Kali slowly walked into the loft, her clawed feet on full display, "Gonna be honest, Derek... When Ennis died, I thought to myself, I'd just go for it- find you and kill you, wherever you stood." She said as she walked down the steps.

"Then, I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them, and I thought, What's a girl gotta do to get you alone?" Kali said before glancing back as the twins dragged Fallon through the door way making Derek take a deep breath.

Fallon gritted her teeth slightly, not bring able to fight back due to the mistletoe running through her system. "You and me, Derek... or they tear her apart. What do you say? You think you can beat me one-on-one?" Kali asked and Derek nodded at Boyd and Isaac making them walk back over to the wooden pallets.

"I'm gonna rip your throat out... With my teeth." Derek said before both him and Kali roared at each other and Derek leaped at her. Kali went to swipe at him but Derek ducked, before swiping at her. Kali dragged her foot through the water but Derek jumped over at it, swiping at her. She ducked and swiped her claws against his stomach making Fallon weakly fight against the twins.

Kali jumped onto one of the beamed and Derek ran over to her but she kicked him in the face making him stumble back. Kali leaped onto the table and growled at Derek as he stood up before running at her. He went to swipe at her legs hut she just tried to step on his arms before kicking him back into the water.

Derek quickly sat up, spinning around to growl at her as she jumped off the table before kicking him back again. "Derek!" Fallon yelled and Isaac when to run forward but Derek noticed. "No!" He yelled and Isaac stopped before looking at Boyd, "Wait." Isaac said.

Derek got up and swiped at Kali but she grabbed his arm before swiping at his stomach. He went to swipe at her again but she blocked both his arms as they both growled at each other. Kali pulled her arms back, kicking his side and he shoved her back into a pillar.

She leaped up, during a back flip I'm the process, before kicking him to the ground again. Kali grabbed him, pulling him up back the back of his neck as Isaac's phone buzzed making him pull it out to see a text from Stiles. "Now." He said as he glanced at Boyd. Boyd nodded before Isaac quickly running towards the twins and Fallon.

The twins ran forward to stop him while Boyd was about to run over to Derek. All of the sudden the water electrified making Boyd fall to the ground while Isaac pulled Fallon away. Kali and Derek both fall to the ground as the electricity started to go away and Kali stood back up.

"Take him!" She yelled and the twins shot out, grabbing Boyd while she grabbed Derek. Ethan and Aiden held Derek's clawed hands up while Kali lifted a very weak Boyd up. "No! Wait!" Fallon yelled but before she could move Kali dropped Boyd onto Derek's claws.

Tears filled Fallon's eyes as Boyd groaned in pain before the twins let Derek go making Boyd fall to his knees. "I'm giving you until the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack... or next time, I'm killing all of you." Kali said before her and the twins walked out of the loft.

Fallon and Isaac watched as Derek tried to press his hands to Boyd's wounds, Fallon sucked in a shakey breath, knowing she wouldn't be able to heal him. "It's okay..." Boyd said weakly and Derek shook his head, "No, no... No, it's not... It's not..." Derek said, breathing heavily. "It's all okay, Derek..." Boyd said and Derek looked at him and shook his head slightly, "I'm... I'm sorry." He said in a slight whisper.

"The full moon... that feeling? That was worth it. There's a lunar eclipse. I always wondered what... what that felt like for one of us... for a Werewolf..." Boyd said weakly before falling to the ground. Fallon sighed softly before walking forward, gently grabbing Derek's shoulder as she kneeled down next to him.

Stiles, Lydia and Cora ran into the loft and Cora's eyes widened before she quickly ran over to Boyd. Cora lifted his head up slightly as she started to cry before she leaned her head on his chest. Fallon gently grabbed Derek's face, making him slightly turn to her before she pulled him into a comforting hug.

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