Chapter 12: ...Don't I?

Start from the beginning

Her shaky brothers stepped into the room behind her and Tabitha went into command mode. "Get me something for bandaging," she ordered them.

Dean immediately pulled his coat off and then his button up shirt, leaving him in just a gray t-shirt as he expertly tore the button up shirt into strips of fabric. He didn't look much better than Anna felt, his face was bloody and already swollen from Uriel's fists, but at least he wasn't actively bleeding.

"Are they gone?" Anna shakily asked as Tabitha began wrapping the strips around her cut while applying pressure to the wound.

Tabitha's hands never paused in her work, but she glanced up at Anna as she steeled herself and asked, "Yeah, they are. Did you kill them?"

"No," she whispered. "I sent them away…far away."

Although unable to articulate why—given the current circumstances anyway—Tabitha found herself relieved to know that at least one of the two angels wasn't dead.

"You want to tell me how?" Dean demanded as Tabitha finished tying the bandaging tightly around Anna's arm and inspecting her work.

The girl glanced up at the bloody mirror, everyone following her gaze. "That just popped in my head. I don't know how I did it. I just did it."

Dean exchanged a look with Tabitha before leading Sam out of the little bedroom to talk. Still in command mode, Tabitha tugged Anna to her feet and led her to the tiny bathroom, telling her to clean the rest of the blood off herself as best she could, and grabbing a dingy towel from the rack to wipe as much blood off herself as she could as well.

When she entered the main part of the cabin again, Sam and Dean were discussing the best course of action to take with Anna while Ruby silently stood by and listened.

Joining the demon, Tabitha listened to her brothers' hushed voices as they decided they needed to get Anna somewhere safe as well as dig up more about the girl they were helping. The insistence of the angels that Anna wasn't innocent unnerved them all.

"Thank you," Ruby whispered to Tabitha.

Tabitha jerked in surprise as she turned to the demon.

"You didn't have to try and take on that angel for me, but you did," she continued, staring down at the uneven floorboards of the cabin.

"No," Tabitha agreed. "But you didn't have to save Sam either, did you? But you did. So I guess that makes us even. And that's more than enough demon-chick-flick-moments for me. Let's make it the last."

She stepped away from the demon and beside her brothers before the moment got any more awkward than it already was.

"You're gonna take Anna to Bobby's?" she asked Dean.

"Yeah," he nodded, turning away from their younger brother. "And Sam's gonna dig up info here on our girl while we make tracks for South Dakota. Anna'll be safer there than anywhere else I can think of."

"You hope," she pointed out.

"Yeah. I hope," he admitted with a sigh. "I don't have any better ideas unless you do, Tabitha," he pointedly continued.

"No. No, not really. But I'll stay here with Sam to help him dig up info if there's any to find. It'll be quicker if I stay to help him," she told her brother.

For once, Dean didn't immediately argue, though it looked like he wanted to. "Fine," he tightly replied. He glanced over at Ruby. "Does that mean you're coming with me then?"

She shrugged. "Sure. Why not? I'll help you protect the girl until we get there and can get her safe."

Sam nodded in agreement as well and said, "Fine. You guys take the car we brought here, and Tabitha and I will hike back down the road until we find another car to take back into town and can get the Impala."

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