The days passed from friends to more than friends

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“Good morning, dear”, Mrs. William said while coming in Lucifer’s room, she removes curtain and opens the window.

Lucifer was covered with a blanket and last night he slept in that party dress only except his shirt.

When Lucifer gave no response to her, she picks up a ball and said, “Wake up son it’s 5 o’ clock”.

Lucifer gave no response. Mrs. William stares smilingly, then she throws the ball towards Lucifer but Lucifer catches it with his right hand.

He stood up and gives her ball back. She catches the ball and said “Wake up, its morning now”.

Lucifer picks up his shirt and wears it. He looks towards his mom and said, “Good morning, Mom”.

He sat down upon bed and take out his blue colored lens. His eyes were light brown with no visibility problem.

Mrs. William slowly came near him, kissed his forehead and slowly said, “Go get ready for school, it’s Monday.”

Lucifer’s mom went out of the room
shaking Lucifer’s hair. Lucifer till 7:00 am gets ready for school and went toward garage and with his mom’s car he takes out his cycle. He put Erica’s jacket inside his bag that was properly folded.

“You are going by cycle today?” Mrs.
William asked.

“Yeah, I am with a friend. I have to wait for her in the New Gate”, Lucifer answered.

“Okay hurry else you will get late” Mrs. William said while closing the door.

Lucifer takes out the cycle and went
away after saying Mrs. William “Good Bye”.

“Did he said, ‘wait for her’? Did he?” Mrs. William asked to her.

It was sharp 7:30 am, Lucifer park his cycle on the corner of the road nearby New Gate. Then suddenly he heard a
voice, “Hey Lucifer. How are you doing? Good morning”.

Lucifer looks in the direction of voice, there was no one but as he saw in front, there was Erica standing in front of Lucifer with a beautiful smile.

“Hey”, Erica came from front. Lucifer saw Erica suddenly, so he got afraid and strikes a bit back.

“You scared me”, Lucifer said after taking a breath, “By the way, good morning.”

“You mean I am scary”, Erica asked

“Yes… (He pause) I mean you came in
sudden, that is why you scared me”,
Lucifer answered quickly.

“You got scared”, Erica said angrily but later she laughed and later Lucifer also gave a smile.

Lucifer suddenly got something in mind and said, “Oh, I got your jacket on a chair last night.”

He takes out her jacket from his bag and smilingly said while giving her, “Take it.”

“Oh, thank you, I also got your coat”,
Erica said smilingly and take out his coat that was properly folded and ironed too.

“Thank you, for everything”, Erica saw his eyes and slowly asked, “Why do you put eye lens? Is there any vision problem?”

Lucifer slowly saw her shockingly, and asked, “How do you know? I have told this to my mom only.”

Erica slowly walked and Lucifer followed her with his cycle. Erica’s eyes were down and slowly said, “I don’t know but I can see those light brown eyes. And I think light brown color is better (She saw up toward Lucifer’s face). Oh I am sorry I think that your opinion”.

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