Kuroken- Legends say

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My first oneshot after like, 2 months? It feels way longer than that. But come get your fluff juice my friends.

Most legends start with a rumor or a wish. An inkling or a sign. But this one comes from love letters. A love between a prince and a commoner. But this story has been altered many times. The Legend says that there was a prince from the land of Nekoma who ruled while his father was on his deathbed and a young commoner girl came to his rescue. That the girl was able to heal his father and they all lived happily ever after. But this wasn't true. Let me tell you the true story.

My love,

I hope this letter finds you well. I sit in the tent outside the castle that has now been made my home since the farmer i had been staying with found out my love for you. It's a shame really, I really was starting to get comfortable there. At this point your letters and late night visits are the only thing that keep me on this wretched world. You are the shining star in my night sky. I'm sorry to hear about your father, truly. Although he didn't approve of our love he was a good man. I realize however you will become king soon. When that time comes all I ask is that you remember the nights we spent together. Or perhaps you will make me your night in shining armor. Who knows. Only time will tell dearest. For now, however, I hope you cope well. Till we hear from each other again,


Kenma smiled at the letter he had received. Tetsuro's letters always seemed to have this effect on him.

Though their love was from a distance they cared for each other, and that was all that mattered.

At the altar, the priest gave the couple looks of disgust. They did not care. They were doing what they were meant to do.

"You may kiss the..." He paused for a moment, looking at the prince and his now husband, "groom."

And he did. He kissed his now husband as if he had been waiting for this his entire life.

Hope you guys enjoyed! I'll probably be pre writing a lunch of stiff at 3 am because what else is there to do. It's not like I have school. Totally not... That's what caffeine is for.

-your friend who is back from the dead, Ace

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