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Suga x Kageyama is underrated asf so here is some fluffy fluff.

"Hey, Suga?" Kageyama asked his upperclassman.

"Yeah Kageyama?" The older replied. His chocolate eyes veering away from the ball he was setting against a brick wall. When Hinata was practicing during lunch Kageyama and Suga hung out together. They surprisingly had a lot in common. From strict parents to popularity standings, they could relate on a lot.

"Are you mad at me for taking your place?"

Suga missed the ball and the only sound that could be heard is the ball clanging against the gravel. The sound echoing with awkwardness. Just as Kageyama was about to apologize and state that it was a stupid question, he spoke.

"Not at all. You are way better than me after all. You're skills are undeniable and you set like a god. I don't feel as though we would've gotten as far as we have without you on the front lines."

Kageyama blushed. He always looked up to Suga, even had feelings for him. Hearing such praise was more than a dream come true.

"You look cute when you blush." Suga said, looking down to his underclassman who was sitting on a ledge. He leaned down slightly, grabbing the younger's chin. He swiftly and softly placed a kiss on his lips.

"Well, see you at practice!" Suga said, leaving a confused Kageyama, who was a blushing mess, to his thoughts and walking away nonchalantly. 

¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯

some haikyuu oneshots for my poor soul (REVIVED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن