Oisuga- terrible day

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Thank you to the lovely weebtwic3  for this request. I changed the original consept a little but I promise you'll enjoy it. Now, take the most angsty thing that I will do to a character besides kill off their parents- oh wait, an AU where Oikawa's parents are dead? Welp, I guess I just like making people suffer-

Sugawara had come home from a rather interesting day at work. He taught a 4th class in their local town, just teaching kids how to read, write, do math ect. Which was interesting seeing as Spanish wasn't his first language, although he did have a minor in Spanish as he always found the language interesting and took a course in college. The children knew that he had moved to Argentina from Japan to follow his husband's dream, and knew he would get homesick at times. So, they all prepared a message for him and wrote it on the chalk board in Japanese, using a translating app and having the student with the most artistic skill copy it onto the chalk board.

He thought that today would be a good day to the end. That he would come home, have some peace and quiet due to their daughter, Valentina, being away and would just cuddle with his husband all night and maybe watch a movie. But, he didn't know this was what he had in store.

As soon as he made it upstairs to the bedroom, he found his husband silently sobbing. He noticed a splint on his knee. This couldn't be good.

"Toru? Is everything okay? What's wrong?" He said, approaching the bed.

"Koushi, you know how I injured my knee at practice?"

Suga winced, he knew what was coming.

"I can't play anymore. The doctor said I'd do too much damage to my knee. I can't..." He began to sob. He just lost his dream. All due to his stupid knee. The thing that has held him back for years. All of a sudden, everything is crumbling from underneath him. But that isn't why he was sobbing.

"I thought you said you had accepted it? Did it hit harder than you thought?" His husband asked, rubbing circles on his partners back with his hand.

"It's not that, it's just, I've lost everything. My parents, my job... What if I lose you too? And now you're the one who's working to get an income. What if you slip from my fingers like everything else did? What if.." he put a hand over his mouth. He couldn't say it.

"Babe, I'm not going anywhere. And don't you worry about money for a second. Im still working and love my job. And your social media platform is still huge and you get partnerships all the time. We'll pull through. Pinky promise." The man held out his pinky, like when they were both swimming in college dept, and said they'd make it through together.

The other chuckled and intertwined their pinkys, before reaching his hand out to the other's cheek and stroke it lightly with the tip of his thumb to show gratitude for the reassurance.

They always made it through together. No matter what.

Okay I know people are gonna be like "well killing off their daughter or S/O is worse". But I meant what I would do. And I'd never kill anyone off aside from the parents, got that? My heart is too weak.

some haikyuu oneshots for my poor soul (REVIVED)Where stories live. Discover now