Kin???Kage- getting up- pt 2?

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Trigger warnings- fighting

Additional details-
It took two mf days. It took two days for me to write a part 2. Just 2 days. Why did I say I was gonna write angsty shit. I can't do this. Anygay day eleven is upon us and the bitch writing this is on the 'spring break' in April. It's supposed to be in March but Nooooo.

Kageyama Tobio became the setter for Karasuno high after he graduated middle school. Despite this, him and one of his mentors, Oikawa, remained close (yes I'm doing the 'basically brothers' AU deal with it).

Because of this, Oikawa wanted him to be close with the rest of the Aoba Johsai team. Therefore he started to invite him to practice now and then and the raven became rather close with the team although they were still rivals oj the court, of course.

He was close to all but Kindaichi. They were all wondering what it was. The only one apart from them who knew was Kunimi.

Flashback brought to you by having a crush on a straight boy. Yay me.

"He just left...: Kindaichi sobbed into Kunimi's arms when the pair arrived at his house from school.

"I... I was so stupid! I cared more about my image than my childhood best friend!" He was crying uncontrollably.

" Yutaro, it isn't your fault. He's the one who left." Kunimi tried to console him.

"It's my fault for letting them call him a monster. Even after knowing all he's been through!"

The next day at school Kunimi just so happened to pass Kageyama while they were alone in a corridor at lunch time.

"Hey, Kageyama." He said as he passed him, coming to a halt.

"If it's about Kindaichi o don't wanna talk about it. And don't make me resolve it either. I don't think I can bare to look at him..." he said, almost tearing up. Despite what it may seem, him and Kunimi were also rather close. Not as close as him and Kindaichi were, but close.

"I just wanted to say that he really is sorry. He hasn't eaten since yesterday and hasn't managed any sleep. He's a mess. And I can tell you are too." He said sternly.

"He cares about you. He really does. More than anyone else."

"Now that probably isn't true." The raven said, tilting his head up to the ceiling.

"He probably cares about you more than me. Though I care about the both of you. I just..." he trailed off, not wanting to say it out loud.

"What's stopping you from making amends if you care about him?"

"I don't wanna hurt him. I- have feelings for him. And I know he does too. Kim not that dense. But I don't wanna mess up and hurt him. He probably hates me anyway. Feel free to hate me too, Akira." He said, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Anyways I gotta head to class." He said as he walked off, leaving a speechless and confused Kunimi alone in the corridor.

Today the entire team was having a little party at Kunimi's house. Kunimi was tired of both of their bs so he decided to invite Kageyama. Despite Kindaichi insisting that it was a team event.

"Akira, we haven't talked since that fight! He probably hates me! And after everything I said! Why would you do this to me?" Kindaichi was in utter distress.

" 'Taro, you need to work things out with him. I know you still have feelings for him. " Kindaichi's heart stopped for a few seconds.

"We were both head over heels. And then that was taken away and you don't want to get too close to him and then regret it. I get it. But, you'll never move on if you don't come to terms with it and face it." He knew Kunimi was right. He knew he had to do something.

Haha! Got you again! Totally not because I'm afraid imma run out of ideas for rare pairs so I'm gonna kill tree birds with one stone! Or maybe even four! Or maybe this is it and it'll just end here! Probably not the last option tho.

some haikyuu oneshots for my poor soul (REVIVED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें