just a rant about my shitty life

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If you know me irl please skip this. Yes even you Cassidy and Rae. I don't want you guys to read this. Please respect my privacy.

Ok so where do I fucking start. Firstly my mental health is shit. Secondly I'm just now realizing at 12 44 am that all of my friends are toxic in some way except for the friends that I made that I can't even see irl due to distance and COVID. They probably don't even view me as a good friend anyway. And this isn't the first time my friends are toxic either and we try to ignore it and get through it but I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit.

I still have to deal with schoolwork and multiple tests or my grades are gonna plummet.

Does anyone have any advice? It would mean the world to me.

Sorry for the rant I just feel like knowing someone might see it and know what I'm going through helps.

-you're sad, maybe friendless, friend?, Ace/Karma

some haikyuu oneshots for my poor soul (REVIVED)Where stories live. Discover now