Sakuatsu- the setup

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"Samu! Where 're ya taking me!" A blindfolded Atsumu yelled at his twin brother-who happened to be dragging him to an unknown location to potentially be murdered but that isn't the point-since he had no clue what the other Miya was doing.

"Just shut yer trap and let me help ya! Godammt!" He yelled, frustrated.

Meanwhile, Sakusa was probably in a worse predicament.

"MOTOYA WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WHY AM I IN THE BACK OF YOUR VAN WITH A BLINDFOLD ON!" He yelled, honestly not that surprised with his cousin's crazy action since he pulled stunts like this a lot, though he thought this was a whole other level.

"Chill Kyoomi. We're just headed to Hyogo, that's all." Komori replied calmly, as if he wasn't kidnapping his cousin a d bringing him to another prefecture.

"Hyogo? Does this have something to do with Miya?" Kyoomi asked, suspicious.


"UGH, KOMORI! PUT ME DOWN!" Sakusa yelled.

"Wait, Omi? Is that you?" A confused Atsumu, who was still blindfolded asked.

"So I was right!" Sakusa yelled to his cousin who was now carrying him fireman style.

Osamu unblindfolded his brother and Komori unbound his cousin from the handcuffs he was in.

"So the reason we brought you here today is because you guys are oblivious fucks and should be dating already so we're bringing matters into our own hands." Komori said as Osamu got closer to Sakusa.

"Sakusa Kyoomi I have no clue how you have not seen that my brother is so obnoxiously in love with you that I'm pretty sure he wouldn't decline a marriage proposal. Please for the love of God ask him out or I will go crazy. Now, you two are going on a date right now, got it?"

Safe to say, both were bright red and had no clue what the fuck was going on.

some haikyuu oneshots for my poor soul (REVIVED)Where stories live. Discover now