"Why would I ever hate you?" I spoke softly, reaching across the table and grabbing his hand.

He shrugged, "I don't know."

Looking at Aero I found it confusing how he could be worried about that. He treats me so well. He cooks for me, he drives me to school, he goes places with me. He treats me like I'm the only girl in the world. I told him, "I could never hate you, Aero."

His face seemed to relax a bit, but not fully. I got out of my chair and gave him a hug, one of his warm hands going under the back of my shirt, onto my back. As I hugged him I could feel him get less tense. I pulled away and placed a kiss against his forehead.

He smiled and stood up, it being time for us to go back to the hotel. I stopped at a store on the way and bought a frame to put the painting of us in, because even though it's terrible, I want to have it forever.

I looked around our hotel room, feeling sad that we had to leave. This weekend was so much fun. I hope we're able to go on the 31st, maybe we could even spend Easter here. Aero said we'd see when it gets closer, so I'll ask him about it again in a few days.

I felt bad that he slept badly, so I made him a coffee before leaving. I walked over to him and handed it to him, a smile forming on his face. He took it and placed it on the nightstand beside him, pulling me into his chest. His hand stroked my hair and he whispered, "I don't deserve you."

I looked up at him with a smile, "It's just coffee, Aero."

He ignored my words and placed his lips against mine, giving me a quick kiss full of love. He asked, "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded my head and picked up my suitcase. The sky was starting to get a little dark as we stepped outside, the March air feeling cool against my skin. We put our suitcases in the back seats and I moved my snacks to be in the passengers seat with me.

I looked at the hotel as we drove away. I hope we can come back to Philadelphia soon.

I put on the radio, looking outside of my window as we drove home. I have to sleep the second I get home since I have class tomorrow. I'm going to miss Aero tomorrow since I'm spending the night at Reids, but hopefully, he'll come over for a little bit if he isn't busy.

I enjoy driving at night. It's dark, less busy, and just calmer.

I turned to look at Aero, "Will you come over to Reids tomorrow? I get done class at 3."

"Do you still want me to get your stuff from your parents house?"

I nodded my head and he said, "I'll try to after I do that, but I do have some stuff to do for work tomorrow."

I felt a little nervous at the thought of Aero meeting my dad. Even though I no longer have a relationship with him, it's still weird to think about. I don't want my dad to try and do anything to Aero, since his brother hit him the other day. Aero was way stronger than my dad, but I just have to hope that nothing will happen.

I rested my head on Aeros arm that was in between our seats. I traced his tattoos with my finger, realizing just how many he had. I asked him, "Do you want more tattoos?"

"I don't know. Maybe," he shrugged.

I don't think that I'd ever get a tattoo. I'm too indecisive, I'd get something and then hate it a few days later. I asked, "Do any of your tattoos have any meaning?"

"Only one," He pointed to a smaller tattoo of a gun. "I got it after I did my first hit."

Although I know tattoos don't have to have meaning, it still surprised me that only one of the couple dozen tattoos he has had a meaning behind it. I continued to trace them, my cheek pressing against his warm arm.

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