Ch 2-The Meeting

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Hey guys

I just wanted to thank you guys for the support that you gave me for the first chapter of this sequel, I can't thank you enough for that :)

Fk/n=Fake name
Y/n=Your name


Warden: I am going to ask the other Alpha to join me in a should come with me, it's been a long time since you saw each other

Fubuki: alright dad *smile* we will come with you

Warden nodded before he walked to the meeting room, on his way there he sent a text to Ahri and Tora to ask them if they could attend a meeting and that it was really important. Meanwhile, Fubuki sent a text to Artoria and Carmilla telling them that there was a meeting and that it was of the utmost importance, the four of them positively answered saying that they were on their way.

Now all Fubuki, Myu, and Warden had to do was wait, wait for the Alphas to come.

Meanwhile back in Europe, the five horsemen were still riding their horse when suddenly the leader stopped and looked to their left with furrowed eyebrows, one of the horsemen grabbed their hand while the others looked at their leader concerned.

???4: are you okay?

???5:...yes...I just feel like...something is going to happen...something big

After that, the five horsemen resumed their ride unaware wasn't just a feeling.
Present (3rd POV)

In the Blood Moon Camp everyone heard the news, their Alpha called the other Alphas for a meeting something that shocked them since their last meeting together was five years ago. The princesses still saw each other but not as much as before, and as time goes on, the less they were seeing each other. It has been four months since Myu and Mika saw each other, same for Fubuki and Carmilla but they only exchanged basic sentences, they didn't feel as close as before and that's because five years ago, something almost happened.

At that time there was a lot of tension between the different species because of external problems, a lot of rogues made their presence known on all territories and some attacked the dragons, vampires, kitsune... It's during that time that three of the five princesses gained their new titles and became much more feared among the "phenomena" community. The Alphas held an emergency meeting which turned bad since they didn't have the same opinion on how they could resolve this problem, in the end, Artoria threatened the others to stay out of her way or else there would be consequences, Carmilla didn't say anything the whole time, at one moment she just got up and left saying that she will take care of it herself and that she didn't want to be bothered.

Tora, Ahri, and Warden accepted to help each other if one of them needed help before they stood up, shook their hands, and left. Something else happened guards from the Blood Moon Camp attacked a group of guards from Artoria's and Carmilla's camp, Fubuki quickly apprehended the guards and returned to the camp with them. Not even an hour later, Carmilla and Artoria both came to the camp in their vampire and dragon form ordering Warden and Midorina to hand the guards over to them, or else they would consider this as a declaration of war.

They spent the afternoon negotiating with them to try and find a compromise, after many hours of heated debate Artoria and Carmilla accepted to let them live but they wanted the guards' legs to be broken ten times and pay for the damage that they caused. After this, they got out of the room but they warned Warden and the others in the room.

Carmilla: *looking at Fubuki* we only decided to let them live today because we all had the same mate at one point in our lives and that we are still attached to some of you *think about Myu, Warden, Midorina, and Fubuki*

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