Chapter 10 Power

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I just sat next to the wall in pain trying to plan my next move. I didn't know what to do but I know I was losing consciousness thanks to not sleeping and the pain. Next All I saw was blackness


I went out in the maze too even though Minho said I shouldn't with my limp. I was with Minho and we were pretty close to where the dead griever lay. About 50 feet away from the dead griever I saw her.

She was laying on the wall she wasn't awake and her ankle was black and blue. Oh no. Minho helped me carry her back to the glade. It didn't take too long as she was pretty light.

We took her to Clint and Jeff so we could figure out what was wrong. "Clint, Jeff, what's wrong with her." I asked with an urgent tone. Jeff looked at me and simply said: " look man, she's fine, she has a pretty bad sprain and she's just asleep."

I was relived she wasn't hurt to badly. Then I looked at the other girl. Clint saw me looking at her "man she hasn't shown any signs of her waking up. She has been saying Tomas in her sleep tho.

I woke up in the medjacks hut and newt was asleep in a chair next to me. "Newt?" I said softly. He opened his eyes and shot up to his feet. "Sammy!!! Are you alright what happened?"

"Newt chill out, I just um ran for my life ran through a closing wall and the griever tried to run after me but got killed in the walls, and then I tripped over a rock"

Newt looked at me, "you killed a buggin griever sammy." I laughed at his shock "yeah I guess I did"

Then the other girl next to me shot up. She kicked newt in the balls and ran out. I tried to go after her forgetting about my ankle and I collapsed.

Newt went to go get Minho so I stayed in the hut.

I remembered my dreams. Everyone of them mentioned I had powers but I'm pretty sure I don't have any.

I thought of gally and Alby and the rat man, everyone of these people made me so mad. And something started to feel different.
Newts pov

I walked back into the medjacks hut about 10 minutes later and I see Sammy sitting on the bed and her eyes are glowing blue and her hands have blue balls of energy.

"Sammy, what's going on." I said Cautiously. "NEWT, GET OUT... I don't want to hurt you" she said whispering the last part.

I grabbed her hand and said "you could never hurt me love" she looked at me her eyes still glowing blue and her eyes faded back into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Thank you newt" she whispered.

Sams pov

Newt left after a while as he is in charge of the glade cause Alby is still unconscious.

Now I know I have powers so I want to know what I can do. I felt a weird urge to use my powers on my ankle.

I placed my hands above my ankle and glowing blue energy flowed out of my hands into my ankle. I felt a weird tingling sensation. Once I thought it was all good I stopped and stood up. Oh my gosh I just healed my ankle. I walked out of the medjacks hut and over to newt.

"Hey newtie" newt looked at me shocked. "What are your doing your, your ankle..." I cut him off "it's fine I um may or may not have healed it with my powers, um also can you not tell anyone about my powers"

"Sammy I won't tell a soul" I looked at him and smiled I then walked away and went to my hut.

I sat on my bed and grabbed my diary out from under my pillow. I got a pencil out and started writing.

Dear diary,

I haven't had a dream for a few nights which I guess is good but I don't know something feels off. I haven't eaten in a few days but I kind of don't want to anymore, I was kind of fat anyway, well according to gally I was. But it's fine, I mean newt and I are finally spending more time together, and Minho is as stupid as usual but something about the new greenie and the new girl feels off, but whatever


I heard newt and Minho calling for me, I shoved my diary back under my pillow but Minho barged in and saw it. "Sam what was that?" Newt had come in at this point. "Um it was my diary"

Minho tackled me and grabbed my diary and ran out. "Shit, MINHO WAIT NO, DONT READ IT" he and newt hid in newts hut and locked the door. I banged on it as hard as I could knowing what was in that diary.

I stopped after a while and about 10 minutes later they came out and they were shocked. "Sammy? Is this stuff true?" Newt questioned. "Newt I.." he cut me off "Sammy is this true" he said more aggressively. "Yes" I said quietly.

Newt had tears in his eyes and started shouting "your buggin staving yourself and having nightmares almost every night and you didn't tell anyone" I looked at him tears pouring down my face "newt"

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