Chapter 7 Dreams

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•I was in a white room and strapped to a chair. A man walked in, he kind of looked like a rat, then it hit me it was the same guy who electrocuted me in my dream. I immediately started to try and get out of the chair.

I pulled at my restraints hard until my wrists and ankles bled. The rat man sat down infront of me, I felt petrified. This man had already hurt me, what was he going to do this time?

"Samantha, please just help us out, help me out, use your powers and all of this can end." He said calmly. "NO" I screamed at him. "Fine, we will have to do this the hard way then" he said threatening me. "GUARDS" he yelled behind him.

Two men came in with a boy chained up and weak. It was newt. I started fighting the restrains again•

I woke up sweating and crying. Newt was still next to me and I saw he was waking up. "Sammy you ok?"he questioned in a sleepy voice. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry, you can go back to sleep" I said still crying.

I could tell he didn't believe me but he didn't question it and he went back asleep. I couldn't go to the tower this time as I'm in the pit still so I just sat there silently crying.

AN. Sorry about this chapter being so short. Feel free to make suggestions for the story :)

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