Chapter 22

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Annabeth's POV:

I looked between the four friends apprehensively. From the various stories that I had heard or seen in Nino, Marinette, Alya, and Adrien's memories, Shadowmoth was a force to be reckoned with. I also knew that fighting a villain in their territory was a bad idea. I had tried that with Arachne, and I barely made it out alive. 

However, if there was one place you could pick to cause mass chaos, it would be there. "Would you all be up to fighting him in his home court?" I asked them. "Yeah, probably with your help, if we could find out where it is." Adrien said, his arm now around Marinette's waist. You could tell that she had noticed.

Just then, there was a flash of golden light and Hermes appeared. He looked at Adrien. "Son, do you mind if I stay and speak?" He asked. Adrien nodded. "Everyone, I have news to tell you. The other gods do not really want me to intervene, but since Chaos is a threat to all of us, I decided to help you all along."

He looked at Adrien for a long time. I knew he was probably communicating with him telepathically. I watched Adrien facial expressions change. First, he was surprised - I guess because he had a godly voice filling his head. Second, he looked confused. Then, his face flashed with shock before settling on devastation. Marinette, having also noticed this, pulled him close. It would have been comic, him trying to lean on her when she was so much smaller than him, but given the circumstances it was just sad.

After having calmed himself down a bit, Adrien nodded again at his father. "Okay," Hermes started, "Shadowmoth is Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's - um - stepfather. His layer is hidden inside the Agreste mansion." I now understood why Adrien had looked so crushed. Now, though, his face showed determination, his jaw set and his stare hard on the wall.

After Hermes had left, we all transformed into our respective superheroes and went downstairs. "Okay." Adrien, as Chat Noir, said, "We have to be superheroes to get in because we will have to go in through my bedroom window. But, we can't let my fa- I mean, Shadowmoth see us as superheroes until we are in his layer, or else it won't be chaotic enough. I have a theory of how to get in. Everyone just follow my lead."

We all nodded and followed him out of the bakery. We ducked into side streets and slid into alleys all the way up to the Agreste mansion. We were faced with a blank stretch of street before we could hop up into Adrien's open window.

We crossed our fingers and hoped that Gabriel was busy as we ran across and jumped up into Adrien's room. He told us all to stay while he made sure the coast was clear. At his command, we all followed him to a room that had a floor to ceiling tapestry of a woman who I assumed was Adrien's mother. Gosh. I thought. I've seen shrines to Athena smaller than this.

Chat Noir stepped forward and ran his claws over the portrait. He finally stopped and pushed on some hidden buttons that made the floor below him lower. We all rushed over to get on the small circle so that we could get in. We were going to end this.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! I reached 100 reads today! Can one of the 99 people who have never commented please comment. I'm only asking for one. Do y'all not know how? You go to the bottom, right under the button that says 'continue reading next chapter' or 'to be continued'. You click 'leave a comment'. Then you type in whatever you want to say and click 'post'. That is all you have to do. Thanks for reading! :)

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