Chapter 13

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Leo's POV:

I was very confused. I didn't know why Calypso had had such a strong reaction to that boy being there. It was all very random and unusual. Just, very very confusing. When I asked her about it, she told me that disrespecting the gods was a touchy subject for her, especially since that had been the reason she was even imprisoned in Ogygia in the first place. After that, I let the matter drop.

Our heartfelt trip down memory lane was cut short because we had to tell Camp Half-Blood about the boy and Chaos. I called Festus, and we both climbed on. Calypso held on tight to my waist, still slightly afraid of falling even though she had ridden my bronze dragon a million times. When we got back to Camp Half-Blood, Hermes was there.

And so, it looked like, were two mortal girls. They introduced themselves as Alya and Marinette, from Paris. Jason and Piper welcomed us back, and explained to us everything that had happened. Afterwards, we recounted, as best we could, what had happened on Ogygia.

Annabeth came up to us and told us that we were about to hold some kind of explanation party at the campfire so that everyone could get their stories straight. Something about someone named Rena Rouge recounting memories. I just went along with it. 

Calypso pulled me aside right before we got to the campfire. She kissed me. I smiled when she pulled away. "What was that for?" I asked. "If Chaos is coming, I want to do that as much as possible in case either of us don't make it." She answered. I kissed her again. "Okay," She told me. "Let's get down there before they realize we're gone."

Once we were at the campfire, the girl named Alya transformed herself into a fox superhero. She raised her hands to her forehead and pressed two fingers to her temples. She projected all of her memories from the day she met Adrien (I learned that that was the boy's name) all the way until right now. She somehow made it go super fast, while still letting everyone commit every moment to memory. Next she did the same thing to her friend Marinette, to Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, and Calypso. Finally, she performed it on me.

Once everyone had gotten the full story from the point of view of everyone involved, we were much clearer on what was going on. The camp was also in panic mode. Mine and Calypso's memories, for obvious reasons, didn't sit well with the camp. We had been totaled by Gaea, Chaos would rip us apart. We stood next to no chance.

Luckily, Annabeth was quick to calm everyone. As she explained that we now had the miraculous holders on our side, the mood-correlating campfire flames went from large and deep red to small and light yellow. Thank Zeus. Holy Hera, angry demigods were scary.

"Oh my gods!" Someone yelled once we had been dispersed from the 'explanation party'. "Look!" Everyone turned their heads to the woods. Standing there, in all his evil Titan glory, was the Titan Atlas.

Shoot. I thought. Now I have to meet my girlfriend's father.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! I saw that I now have readers from the UK! Hello, British people! What's it like at Hogwarts? I'm just kidding (No, seriously, tell me all about it). Maybe y'all will comment, these Americans apparently prefer to stay silent. Thanks for reading! :)

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