Chapter 10

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Annabeth's POV:

My initial reaction to the girl yelling was to look behind me. Of course she couldn't be yelling at us. But of course, there was no one else around that she could be yelling at. Surely she couldn't see through the thick layer of mist surrounding the camp. Especially not if she couldn't get through the barrier. But then, my mind went to Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Some mortals could see through the mist. How could I forget?

Her friend looked very confused, so I guess she couldn't see through. "Who are you yelling at?" She asked. The girl who had yelled looked at her like she was stupid. "She can't see or hear us." I called out. Percy gripped my hand, but I put a hand on his arm to calm him. This girl was safe. "And we can't let you in either." 

The girl explained to her friend the situation, and then her friend squinted in the direction of Thalia's tree. "Please let us in!" She yelled. Percy gave me an exasperated look. I turned to the first girl. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you in and we can't tell you why. Please just go back to wherever you came from. We can't help you." The girl gave me an interested glance.

"Oh, I know why we can't get in, why you can't tell us, and why you are about to do everything in your power to help us get through. You wanted to know where we are from? Paris. Plagg came and told us everything about gods, demigods, and Adrien. And she," The girl nodded her head at her friend, "Is probably one of the only people who will be able to calm him down completely."

After this proclamation, Percy and I just stood there a second. Then, Percy told me he was going to get Chiron to help and ran off. I walked up to the barrier, then stepped out of it. I knew it was a dangerous move, but I had to talk to the girl who could apparently stop Adrien from freaking out. An angry child of Hermes on the loose is not a good thing. I should know. We defeated one that had risen Kronos a few years back. May Luke rest in peace.

Anyways, the girl's friend screamed as I stepped out of the veil of mist. "Calm down." I said. "I just want to talk to you really quickly. The longer I stay out here, though, the more monsters are going to catch my scent, so let's not delay." The girl gave her friend a little push towards me. "Hi. I'm Annabeth." I held out my hand. "Marinette." She shook it. "And this is Alya." She nodded towards the girl.

"Nice to meet you." I said. "Now, how are you going to calm him down? A child of Hermes, especially once they know about their real father, can be really dangerous when they are angry." I shivered. "You have an important memory." Alya said, almost as if she was in a trance. "Yeah, I do." I answered. Suddenly, she yelled, "Trixx, let's pounce!" and in a flash of orange light, there was a fox superhero standing before me.

She moved like she was dazed, reaching her hands slowly out and putting her pointer and middle fingers to my temples. There was a rustling of wind, and suddenly all of my memories of Luke from the day we first met to the moment he died. As the images faded, Alya was back to normal. "How did you do that?" I asked. "I-I don't know." She answered. "What just happened?" Marinette looked stunned.

"I think." Alya said. "That I just unlocked a new power of my miraculous." I blinked. "What?" I asked, just as Marinette said, "Wow." Alya explained to me the uncharted territory of their miraculouses. I nodded. "Okay, well you saw how they can be. Um, do you still think that you can calm him?" Marinette fidgeted. "Probably?" She sounded very unsure. "Girl, he is head over heels in love with you. As soon as he lays eyes on you, he will be instantly contented." I admired her use of vocabulary words.

"Okay." I said. "Percy should be coming just about now with Chiron. Warning: He is a centaur. We will just get you and Adrien in the same room, and everything will be great. Don't worry. I've gotta get back in to camp before a monster smells me. See you in a minute." I stepped back behind the layer of mist.

A minute later, Percy emerged with Chiron from the big house. After calling a few satyrs to perform some woodland magic, we opened a sort of doorway beside Thalia's tree to let them in. Once inside, Marinette could see everything that went on inside Camp. We all headed up to the big house to talk.

We explained everything to Chiron, and he nodded along. "That seems like a good plan." He told me. "All we have to do is get the two of them together, and Boom! Problem solved." Alya finished. "That may be harder than you think." I heard Hermes say as he walked in the room. "You see, my son Adrien has run away."

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! Sorry this chapter was a bit longer than usual, I had a lot of details to include. Or maybe you think that's a good thing, I don't know. Anyways, I hope y'all are excited. The next chapter is the official start of the conflict! Thanks for reading! :)

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