Chapter 12

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Calypso's POV:

Leo looked at me like I had grown a third eye. I guess he was not used to me having girly reactions to things. I was just not expecting to find a teenage boy in my cave, which I had thought was abandoned. "Are the gods really still sending boys here even though I'm free?" I asked Leo incredulously, then turned my head up to the clear blue sky. "This is absurd!" I yelled.

Leo put his hand on my arm. "Calm down, Sunshine. I don't think that the gods sent him here." I turned to him. "Really? Then who could have sent him here? If it wasn't the gods, it must have been some higher power. The Titans have been defeated. Gaea and Ouranous are both dead. Are you implying that this was Nyx? Or some even higher power? Like..." I trailed off. Leo was staring at me pointedly. There was someone that all of this benefited. Someone who had enough power to make anything happen...

"Hey. I'm still here. Is there any way you two can get me off of this stupid island? I'm kind of trying to run away from someone right now." I was pulled out of my pondering by the boy. Leo looked at him. "How are you here?" He asked. "I was running away from this god who claimed to be my father and this stupid camp full of people who say I'm a demigod. I passed out in a forest, and then woke up on this beach." The boy answered. I walked up to him. "Do not." I said. "Call my island stupid, do not call Camp Half-Blood stupid, and definitely do not deny that you are a son of Hermes. I can feel his aura wafting off of you, stronger - actually - than it should be."

The boy stared at me for a second, and then took off running. Leo and I chased him through the trees until all three of us were up to our ankles in the clear ocean. "You will accept your parentage, or rot in Ogygia forever." I told him. "I read this myth one time." The boy said. Then suddenly, he turned to the surf and shouted, "I want to leave Ogygia!" at the top of his lungs.

The boat didn't come, even after he had repeated this five more times. "Joke's on you." I said. "It only works for the heroes that I am in love with." The boy wriggled his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes. "Leo, scrawny boyfriend whom I love, please tell this demigod what's what." Leo started to wade over to the boy before turning back to me, "Hey! I'm not scrawny!" I laughed. "Just go."

As we were having this exchange, though, the boy turned and dived into the water, swimming until he was out of sight. We stood there for a minute before turning back to land. "Do you think that Poseidon will save him because he is a demigod?" I asked. "Nah." Leo said. "He basically called the gods stupid. He won't come back from that. I do think that someone else will save him."

"Chaos." I said.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! What do you think about this latest update? Also, does anyone actually read the author's note? I want other people to comment, Please! Thanks for reading! :)

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