Chapter 5

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Piper's POV:

I shrieked. I literally shrieked, just like the girly child of Aphrodite I was supposed to be. I'm sorry, but when you walk into a clearing, expecting too see a happy couple lounging in the sun, and you see a random stranger, a creepy son of Hades, and a flying cat thing, you freak out. 

"What did you need, Piper?" Annabeth asked calmly. "Oh." I said. "I was just coming to tell you that Chiron wants to talk to you." I glanced at the strange guy and the cat. "Piper, this is Adrien, and his kwami Plagg. Plagg, Adrien, this is Piper McLean." Annabeth introduced us. "Kw-kwami?" I asked. 

Annabeth sighed, then proceeded to explain everything to me. After she had finished, there was an entire minute of silence while I processed this. Then another moment where I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid and freaking out. When I finally spoke, it was to say, "Huh, I guess you guys need to be shown around, then." I tried to regain my composure. 

I heard a rustling of movement behind me, and turned to see Jason stepping out of the trees. "Hey" He said. "I heard a scream. Is something wrong?" He put an arm around my waist, and I leaned into him. "Oh, nothing." Percy said. "Piper was just startled by our unexpected guests." Jason looked over at Adrien and Plagg. "What the-" He started to say.

"This is Adrien and his kwa..." Annabeth jumped in. "You know what, maybe we should just introduce him to the entire camp at once, so that we don't have to keep explaining it over and over again." Percy and Adrien nodded. Nico just sort of stood there, killing the grass around his feet.

Still leaning against Jason, I said, "I can get everybody down to the dining pavilion in five minutes, tops." Annabeth nodded. "That would be great. Thanks, Piper." Jason squeezed my shoulder. "That's my Pipes. Can charmspeak even the toughest Ares kid into submission." I laughed. "I doubt it'll come to that."

Adrien looked around at us. "Wait, what exactly is about to happen?" He asked, obviously confused. Percy looked at him. "Dude, you are about to get a meet-and-greet with an entire camp of war-vet demigods." Adrien was noticeably concerned. Jason laughed. "Dude, it's not that big of a deal." Adrien still gulped as they led him into camp. I went to go round everyone up.

It took a lot more charmspeaking than I had originally thought was necessary (especially because the Ares and Apollo kids were in the middle of a heated basketball game), but I finally got everyone up to the dining pavilion.

Chiron stomped his hooves for silence. He stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Campers, it appears that we have a new guest here with us today. He came all the way from Paris, France. He dropped out of the sky right into the surf." "At least he wasn't on fire!" Someone in the crowd - Leo, I think - yelled out. "Yes, well, that was very fortunate." Chiron continued. "Anyway, he will explain everything to you in one second."

Chiron stepped back to let Adrien tell the whole story. Just as he was finishing up, an orange light shone above his head. The sign shone bright, a staff with 2 snakes wrapped around it. 

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! I actually had more time than I thought I did, so I was able to finish this up! I may even be able to write another one, but no promises! I guess what we learned from this is that I have no idea when I'm going to post, so never listen to anything I tell you! Are these chapters too short? Let me know in the comments please! Thanks for reading! :)

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