Chapter 3

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Percy's POV:

In a flash of green light, the weird cat dude was replaced by a boy around our age. He had the same blonde hair as Chat Noir, but other than that, they were nothing alike. His posture, his confidence, even his eyes had changed from catlike to human. "Sorry." He said. "I forgot that I was on limited time. Please don't tell anyone what I look like without the mask. If Shadowmoth found out, I'd be dead. First, Ladybug would kill me. Then she would use her power of creation to bring me back just to be killed by an akumatized villain." I didn't understand half of the words he was using (which wasn't unusual) and it didn't look like Annabeth did either (which definitely was).

I was about to ask what the heck he was talking about, but just then we were interrupted by what looked like a tiny floating cat. "Adrieeeeen!" The thing shouted, "Where's my cheeeese?!" I assumed this was the kwami that Chat Noir had warned us about. Plaid, or something. He floated up to my face. "Adrien." He sounded suddenly anxious. "We have company." "I noticed." Adrien (I guess that's the guy's name?) deadpanned. 

The kwami looked between me, Adrien, and Annabeth. "Okay, what'd I miss?" He sounded annoyed. "Look, Plaid." I started. "Plagg." The kwami corrected. "Whatever. Adrien over here fell from the sky as Chat Noir and landed in my ocean. I parted the water and he climbed out. There was a whole lot of explaining to do and we were in the middle of a heated argument when you apparently decided that you were hungry." The kwami stared at me.

"Oh, that reminds me." He said. "Adrien, I want my Camembert and I want it now!" Plagg's voice was whiny and annoying. Almost like he could read my mind, Adrien came up and whispered to me, "I know, right? So annoying. I'm surprised it took him that long to remember his hunger, I think what you said about parting the water stunned him." Then, he turned to Plagg.

"We don't have any Camembert with us right now." He told him. "If you want food, you'll have to have whatever these demigods have to offer." Plagg looked at us, then shouted "Cataclysm!" I didn't get what the big deal was, but Adrien acted like this was a major tragedy, so I assumed nothing good could come from this. "Plagg! You don't want a repeat of Atlantis, do you?" Adrien yelled. What? I thought.

Annabeth, who had been silent up to this point, stepped in. "Hey, buddy." She held her hands up in front of her. "How about we all just calm down. We can get you some cheese. It may not be Camembert, but I'm sure we can find some cheddar, or maybe Swiss?" At this point, it almost seemed like she had convinced him. Then, he apparently decided that hot blonde girls with scary swords didn't know anything about cheese.

He was about to bring his tiny fist down onto the earth, when Nico Di-Angelo stepped out of the shadow of a tree. The guy radiated death, and immediately the black aura around Plagg's little hand flickered and died. Adrien looked back and forth between Nico and Plagg in amazement. 

"'Sup." Nico said.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! Thanks for reading this chapter! Yeah, I know that I already posted today, but I was in the writing mood and just couldn't stop. I'm sure y'all aren't complaining, though. I will probably not be able to post another chapter tomorrow, so this can be a make-up for that (not that I'm gonna post every day, but...). Thanks again for reading! :)

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