Chapter 18

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Leo's POV:

Of course I got the donkey miraculous. *Sarcasm* Oh yeah, it's Hephaestus's sacred animal, anything else would be wrong. *Sarcasm* Oh, please. In all seriousness, I'm sure that my dad got stuck with the worst sacred animal just because he had that leg thing (*clears throat* Hera?!). I'm sure all of the other gods were laughing their heads off as I jumped on top of an airplane with all of my cool superhero friends, the one weird donkey guy. Ugh.

Sure, I had a cool power. I had the power of confusion, which basically meant I could make anyone I hit with my slingshot dizzy, dumb, or idiotic. I told my kwami, Konuu, that I could already do that on my own. Calypso, who had been nearby, rolled her eyes and told him that I would need all the help I could get. Nice supportive girlfriend I have, jeez.

To make matters worse, my transformation words were 'Konuu, kick out.' Ugh. When I detransformed, I had to say 'Konuu, stop kick.' My life was over. I was sure my friends, especially Frank, would make fun of me for it forever. Of course Frank got to be the bear, with the sweet dog-tag necklace and the power of transmutation. The dude was already a freaking shapeshifter. Not fair. The power literally just expanded his natural powers and gave him a cool suit. 

Ans then my titaness girlfriend got the dragon miraculous. The power it gives is literal Perfection. She also got three different powers! Wind dragon, Water dragon, and Lightning dragon. I got to be dragon lady's donkey boyfriend. Seriously?

We rode the plane (standing on it's wings) all the way to Paris. Carapace, or turtle dude as Percy and I liked to call him, still had not woken up. I went up to Rena Rouge, who was carrying him. "Are you sure he's not dead?" I asked her pointing at his limp form. She laughed. "I think that he is just faking it at this point. He usually doesn't stay under for more than ten minutes, and he is breathing. He's not dead. Don't worry." I nodded, and walked back over to Calypso.

I took her hand, and we both sat down on the edge of the wing. We looked out over the landscape, and we could see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Calypso sighed. "What is it, Sunshine?" I asked her. "Oh, nothing." She said. "I can just feel how much closer we are to Greece, a place that I once called home, but have not visited in thousands of years." I squeezed her hand. "When this is all over, I will take you to Greece, Okay? I swear it on the River Styx."

She looked at me. "You swear a lot of things on the River Styx." She told me. "Only for you, Sunshine." She leaned closer to me and kissed me. 

Just then, the plane started to descend. "Alright people!" Percy yelled. "We're almost here! Let's get ready to rescue Adrien!" We all stood up and got ready to jump off of the plane.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! I am on a roll with these chapters! My third one today, and I think I will be able to publish at least 2 more before tonight. Thanks for reading! :)

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