Chapter 16

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Luke's POV

I sat in a black room by myself. I can't believe that streetdog killed me right before I was about to play the show of my life. Now I'm dead and in this black room for who knows how long.

I just want to go home, to see my parents again. I regret ever running out on them. I miss them so much, epically my mom. I just wish I could take it all back...if I could just do that.

All of the sudden I am sucked out of the black room and I was standing on top of a stair well. I looked out and there were people dressed in feathery costumes dancing and everyone looked to be having a great time.

"I've been expecting you." A man's voice says. I turn around and see a man in a purple velvet jacket. "Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club Luke."

Alex's POV

I was just kinda expecting there to be nothing after I ended it all, and for awhile there was. I sat in a black room for like an hour and I'll I could do was cry. But then I was sucked down and I found myself standing on the street of Hollywood Boulevard. People were passing through me as if I wasn't even there. I a ghost? But ghost aren't real, and I'm why would I of all people come back as a ghost?

Then an idea struck me, if I am a ghost, maybe Reggie is too. I have to find him, apologize about last night. I am the worst friend ever, I don't even know why I said that.

All of a sudden I crash to the floor and another body is one top of me.

Me and the other guy both groan as we get up. "Ah man, you dinged my board." The guys say inspecting his skateboard that he used to crush my spine.

"I dinged your board, dude you ran me over!" I say. " ran me over." I say realizing he didn't just pass through me. " you're a ghost too?"

"Yep," he says unbuckling his helmet. "Ever since I learned that..." he takes it off and his long dark hair flows down to his shoulders and I stare at him in awe. He is kinda cute, no he's really cute. "Skating the streets of Hollywood was bad." It is like time as stopped as I could only admire his beautiful facial features. He had chocolate brown eyes, a gentle smile and a sharp jaw line. "Hey sorry I crashed into you, I figured you were a lifer and I'd just pass right through you."

"I'm sorry a what?" I say. What did he think I was? Was that an insult?

"A lifer. It's what we ghost call people that are living." He says. "You're new to this whole ghost thing aren't you?" He asks.

Ouch was it that obvious? "Yeah." I nod. "Shouldn't I be in heaven or something?" I ask. Well, according to my parents I'd go to hell for being gay. Good thing I never told them about that.

"I don't know man." Willie says. "You probably just have unfinished business."

"Yeah." I nod. "I would totally agree if I knew what that meant."

"You have a lot of questions don't you?" He says. "I'm Willie."

"Alex." I say.

"Well Alex, if it's answers you want, you just Thrace to keep up." Willie hops on his skate board and skates away while I run after him. Gosh I can already feel myself falling hard for him.

Reggie's POV

Death is nothing like I pictured. I didn't float up to heaven and get to play with a bunch of puppies, I didn't get to meet any of my ancient relatives. I just floated out of my house to a dark room where I sat alone.  I guess there's no one here for me to annoy. I know Alex probably didn't mean it, but he still wasn't wrong. I should have known he wasn't going to like the tickets because of the crowd. I just know he really likes music so I thought it would be a good idea. But like all of my other ideas, it backfired.

I sat in the black room just putting the silence consume me until sudden I am sucked out of the room and pulled back down to earth. I land with a crash on the beach but no one seems to notice me. Infact, a runner on the beach ran right through me.

"Wow..." I say. "I must be a ghost." That's honestly pretty rad but when I turned around I realized I am right where my house use to be, only my house was gone. In its place stand a bike shack. They could have at least turned it into something cool like a pizzeria or something.

"Hey you seem down." A voice says. I turn around and see a girl with long black hair and ice blue eyes.

"Y-you can see me?" I ask in shock. I thought ghosts we supposed to be invisible. I realized what I just said and now this girl probably thinks I'm insane.

"Yeah." She nods. "It's a fun privilege of being a ghost. You can see other ghosts."

"You're a ghost too?" I say.

"Yep." The girl says like she was proud of it. "Come with me, I think I know something that will cheer you up."

"Uh...okay." I say and I follow her off the where it is she's leading me. She could very well be leading me to my death, but I'm already dead so what do I have to lose?

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