1: New Owner

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"italics" = Japanese

"normal" = Korean

"So Yuta-senpai already sold the house?" The fifteen-year-old curiously asks as he chews onto a red apple, sitting on top of a kitchen counter while his mother cuts some vegetables in front of him, her back facing him.

She hums, "The new owners will be arriving today. A father and son to be precise. I believe the boy is two years older than you. The family is Korean so we could use you to communicate later on."

"Yeah, I don't mind at all," he says with a cheeky smile, taking another bite off his apple.

The woman turns around to see the boy, frustration taking over her face as soon as she sees his position. "Nishimura Riki! How many times have I told you to not sit on the counter?"

"Sorry mama, it's comfortable seeing you work from here," he chuckles softly, hopping off, taking his phone which was previously next to him. "I'm going to meet Taki now, I'll be back by eight," he gives her a peck on the cheek.

"But I need help communicating with the new family!" she says, stopping him from stepping out.

"Mama, you studied Korean with me before. You'll be fine until I get back. Win them over with your cooking, okay? I'll be back soon. I promise!" He says before he begins to run away.

"Take care Riki! Be careful!" She exclaims though was most likely not heard by the young boy. Sighing at the realization, she turns around to continue her work.

The boy walks out of the mansion through the employees' door joyfully. He wonders how the new owners will be. He hopes that they would be as nice as his Yuta-senpai, but sadly, the latter had moved to Korea a few weeks ago for personal reasons he didn't talk about. He liked to think that they were actually pretty close, like siblings, since the man was still young though extremely successful and mature. I mean, they were bound to be this close as Riki had known him since he was two years old and he was the one that taught him how to dance at a young age which is why he calls him senpai. He is thankful towards him for being what initiated what he has a passion for up until now.

His mom started to work for the Nakamoto family when Riki was two and Yuta was twelve, he somewhat became his babysitter because he loved kids since then, and looking after baby Riki while the younger's mother cooked made him smile.

When Yuta had turned twenty and had decided that it was time to live away from his parents, he practically begged them to let him take Riki and Mrs. Nishimura with him to his new house/mansion. So yeah, Yuta was the older brother Riki always wished for. Thankfully, they still keep in contact since this is the 21st century and phones exist(much easier than it would've been a century ago for sure.)

The boy continues to walk down the streets of Japan, his mind elsewhere but his feet knowing where to take him. However, the sound of a honking car disrupts him, making him momentarily stop and look to his left, seeing the frustration in the faces of the two out of three people in there. He quickly bows down to them before running down the rest of the street.

"Stupid kid," a pink-haired boy in the back seat of the car murmurs to himself, rolling his eyes. The man next to him, paying no attention whatsoever as he focused on the call he was on.

"We will be arriving soon! Yes, we were told the house is beautiful and the young man that used to live there left us the personnel so we don't have to go through the hassle of interviewing, thankfully." A few more words were exchanged before he hangs up and puts on a cold expression which makes the young man roll his eyes again whispering 'hypocrite' to himself before focusing on the music that was playing in his AirPods once again, closing his eyes for a while.

"We are here master and young master," the driver as well as the older's assistant says, opening the door on the elder's side with a polite bow. The man gets out while the young man opens the door for himself, quickly getting out, frowning up at the big house in front of him. The house was a bit smaller than his home in Seoul making him scrunch his nose.

He soon follows after the two men that went to shake hands with the employees that were there to greet them. Five maids, one male that was in charge of the personnel, the chef, and two security guards all lined up greeting them. The pink-haired boy just looks down at his phone, scrolling through it, looking at what his best friend was up to on Instagram.

"This is my son, Kim Sunoo," the statement makes him glance up but with an eye roll looks back down, waiting for them to continue walking so that he can finally arrive at his room, plop down his bed, and hopefully sleep forever.

Finally, they make their way inside, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. "Is there anything you would like us to prepare for you?" Mr. Kwon, the older's assistant, translates what the man in charge of the personnel, Mr. Tanaka, had said.

"Yes, please prepare a bath for me and something to eat."

The chef, Mrs. Nishimura, steps out to ask, "Is there anything specific you would like Mr. Kim?"

He raises an eyebrow, "You speak Korean?"

"Briefly, there was a time my son made me study it with him," she answers with a sweet smile.

He hums in content, "Very well... I would like some Sushi and Yakiniku, can you do that?"

"Of course sir," she replies, before turning to the younger male, "Is there anything you would like young master?"

He was about to open his mouth after looking up from his phone to reply but got cut off by his father, "He will eat the same as me, thank you, you are all dismissed now," he says and shortly walks off.

Sunoo behind him curses his father under his breath, rolls his eyes for the nth time, following up the stairs.

A/N: Happy New Year everyone! I published this story at exactly 12:00 am on January first of 2022 to celebrate the new year. I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Serendipity' and you are looking forward to the rest! I wish you all the best for this year; for you to make all of your goals and dreams come true. I wish you health and safety for this year. Let's have a happy new year together while listening to and watching the music of our idols. Love you all! Happy New Year!!

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