Walkin' After Midnight

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I focus on my breathing as I round the corner, dodging a mother pushing a stroller. "Sorry," I breathe out as I continue my run. It's early— way too early to be out on a run, but I have to go before the store opens, and I like to watch the sunrise. This morning, the sky is a perfect painting of refreshment. Watercolors of pink and orange reflect off the river, taking my mind off the ache in my muscles.

I stop in the middle of a small bridge to catch my breath and admire the view. Leaning on the railing, I can see my breath in the crisp fall air. Briefly closing my eyes and tilting my head back, I try to reign in some peace. My peace is short lived, however, when someone calls my name.

"Y/N! Hi!" Florence shouts, jogging over to me with another blonde woman in tow.

"Hey, Florence. What are you doing out here?" I ask, gesturing to the remote park around us. Very few people come to this park, which is part of the reason I love it.

"Going for a run. We don't usually come this early though. Do you usually run here, as well?"

"Yeah. Yeah, as often as I can."

"Oh! Where are my manners? Y/N, this is Scarlett," she says, pointing to the other woman behind her. "Scarlett, this is Y/N. The one who owns the shop I go to."

"Hi, nice to meet you," Scarlett says with a small half-smile, reaching out for a handshake. "From what Florence has told me, you must make quite the impression. I could swear she's in love with you by the way she talks about you."

"H-hi, yeah that's-that's nice," I squeak out, dumbfounded by the fact that I'm shaking Scarlett freaking Johansson's hand.

"Wow, how come I didn't get this kind of reaction when we met?" Florence asks, pretending to be insulted.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to fangirl. You're just- you're you and I used to watch Marvel movies with my dad and- I'm just gonna stop now," I nervously cut myself off.

"No, don't apologize. It's cute," Scarlett says with a smirk. Florence elbows her and I look between them, laughing awkwardly. What the fuck is happening.

"We've really gotta go, but I'll see you at the shop later, yeah?" Florence says.

"Yeah, of course."

"Hey maybe I'll swing by, see what all the hype is about," Scarlett adds, looking me up and down. Did she just? No. No way.

"I'd love that. Fair warning though: my kid will probably freak if she sees you guys. She's totally obsessed with Marvel—especially Nat and Yelena," I tell them.

"That's no problem. I'm sure I'll love her," Scarlett assures me.

"Yeah, and I can't wait to formally meet her," Florence says sincerely, blushing as she looks into my eyes. I search her eyes for any hint of what she might be feeling, but find no answers.

Scarlett awkwardly clears her throat, and Florence and I end our accidental staring competition. "Right. I'll see you guys later," I say before they take off once more. I jump around and try to wipe the giddy smile off my face, but I can't. So I resume my run, which will surely rid me of any scraps of joy I was feeling.

When I return home, Syd still hasn't woken up, which is probably a good thing. I don't really want her wandering the apartment alone, but I know and trust both of our neighbors. I try not to leave her home alone often, but I can only rely on Ash so much.

I peel off my sweaty clothes and take a quick shower. Then I wake Syd up and we get ready to head to the shop. I buckle her up in the back of my WRX and hop in the driver's seat, starting the short drive to the shop.

When we get there, Ash isn't there yet, so I unlock the store and open everything up. About a half hour later, she arrives and clocks in before choosing music to play. She puts on Sinatra's A Man and His Music and the soft melody of "Put Your Dreams Away" fills the shop.

"Momma this music is boring," Syd complains, sitting on the checkout countertop.

"Sydney Fleur Y/L/N, you take that back," I gasp. "Don't make me disown you."

"Yeah, Sydney. Don't you ever insult Sinatra again," Ash teases. Syd sticks her tongue out at Ash, who then does the same in return.

"You're both children," I tell them as the bell above the door rings.

I smile and wave, beginning to greet them before Im cut off by Syd yelling, "Momma, it's Natasha and Yelena! Momma, look!"

"Babe, you remember that discussion we had about how those characters aren't real? This is Scarlett and Florence. They're the actresses who play Natasha and Yelena," I explain.

"Oh. Well I don't care," she states loudly, before leaning over to whisper, "Momma are they your girlfriends?"

"No, no they are not my girlfriends," I laugh quietly.

"That's stupid," she grumbles.

I look back over to them and say, "Sorry about that. What can I get for you, Scarlett? I already know what the Brit wants."

"Can I please have a double shot cafe Americano?"

"Definitely," I say with a smile, motioning for Ash to ring them up as I start the drinks. "For here or to go?"

"For here," Florence replies, watching me as I work.

Seeing as I can't write on a mug, I grab a napkin and write "Walkin' After Midnight by Patsy Cline" on it, placing it under her tea as I set it in front of her. I make Scarlett's drink next. I hear my phone ring as I hand her the coffee, but Syd answers it.

"Hi, Grandpa! No, Momma is working," she says into the phone. I smile briefly and watch her, not really wanting to talk to him. It's a complicated relationship. "Momma, he wants to talk to you."

I take the phone from her and head out back. "What's up, Dad?"

"I was just calling to check in. I miss you. You should come home to visit. I haven't seen Syd in forever."

"Dad, there's no way in hell I'm going back to that town. If you want to see Syd, then you're gonna have to come to New York. I'm sorry, but-"

"No, no, I get it. After what this town did to you...Look, how about I come to visit? Just for a few days. I can even watch Syd so you can go out with your friends. Or possibly a girlfriend?"

"There's no girlfriend. Sorry to disappoint. But of course you can come. I really have to go back to work, so text me when you have a plan, okay? Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

I hang up and go back into the shop. "Sorry about that."

"Don't be, Momma. I was just about to tell Scarlett and Florence how you're a stripper!" Oh god.

A/N: Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it)🥳 Have fun explaining why there are so many holes in your jeans

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