I Wanna Be Yours

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LED lights flash on beat with the electric guitar. Everyone is practically screaming, singing along with the band's cover of "Heaven's On Fire" by KISS. VIP night was technically supposed to be over an hour ago, but everybody is having way too much fun for me to end it now. Plus, I'm getting mad tips.

And I'm fairly certain that a few people snuck in alcohol, but I'm going to pretend I don't notice. Ash took Syd home an hour ago and agreed to watch her, so what do I care if people get a little rowdy. Except Zach. I'd be alright if he dialed it back a notch and kept his hands off Florence's body for five seconds.

God, I wish I could be drunk right now.

"Y/N, hey! These nights don't usually go this way!" I hear someone yell from behind me. I turn around to face them, and see a beautiful woman giving me a hazy smile.

"Oh, hey, Willow! I didn't know you were here!" I yell back over the music. Willow goes to school with Ash, and we may or may not have worked together at a certain club in the past. I've always loved hanging out with her, but I guess I've never thought of pursuing anything more.

"Yeah, I got here a couple of hours ago. It's been way too long since we've hung out. You wanna go grab a drink after this?" she asks as she steps closer to talk over the music.

"Uh, I don't know if I should. I mean, Ash is watching Syd and..."

"Come on, they'll be fine. Knowing them, they're probably already asleep. Just one drink."

I mull it over as my eyes travel across the room, spotting Florence dancing with Zach. With a sigh, I reluctantly agree. "Yeah, okay. Why not?"

"Yes! I promise you won't regret it," she celebrates.

"You better hope not," I joke with a small smirk. "I'll have the band wrap up and then close down, okay?"

"Deal," she says with a wink, sauntering back off into the crowd.

Laughing, I cross the room and beckon over one of the band members. I tell them to play one more song and they agree, so I walk back to the cafe bar to shut everything down. When the music stops, David turns the lights back on and I send Ash a text.

Me: Hey, I'm going out for a drink with Willow. I don't know when I'll be back so just put Syd to bed, please.

Ash: Willow as in the hot chick you used to work with at the club?!? Get it, girl!

Me: I'm gonna kill you. It's just a drink.

Ash: Oh, right. I forgot you have your heart set on the Brit. Don't worry about Syd, she's already out for the count. Don't forget to use protection! ;)

Me: That's not how that works. But thank you.

Florence comes up to the counter and says, "Hey, we're gonna head out. Tonight was a lot of fun."

"Good, I'm glad. Will I see you tomorrow?"

"You can count on it," she promises with a sweet smile.

Just then, Willow waltzes over to the counter and drawls, "You ready to go? I believe I promised you a night of fun."

Florence smiles bitterly at Willow, sending her a glare before turning around and walking away. She stops at the door and says, "Don't miss me too much," with a flirty wink. What the hell was that about?

"Damn, my bad. Didn't mean to piss off the illicit affair," Willow quips.

"Wait what?"

"She was totally jealous. Look, I don't wanna step on anyone's toes here-"

Her Song (Florence Pugh)Where stories live. Discover now