"In fact," Melissa started again, "You should be experiencing much more pain."

"What are you saying," Sofia peered up at the nurse with a worried expression.

Melissa slightly stuttered as she tried to explain, "I- I don't know how to even explain it. Your x-rays show little to no internal damage. It's almost like it, uh, bounced off you."

Sofia returned to the loft a little later and found Derek hunched over something in the room. As she got closer she noticed a large silver emitter. It was similar to the ones they had used back in Mexico.

"Where did that come from?"

Derek turned to the girl and quickly ripped the emitter off the table, "What are you doing here?"

Sofia scrunched her face, "I live here now, remember?"

Derek had meant to ask about the whole incident with the electrical wire but was too focused on the emitter. "I have to go visit the owner of this," he waved the silver stick.

"I think you mean we have to," Sofia argued. She didn't care how long it took, Derek was going to get used to her presence. Sofia had no plans of leaving town any time soon.

"Didn't you just come back from the hospital? I'm going alone," Derek tried to walk away but was stopped.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

Sofia stood in the corner of the room, opposite Derek, as the older man walked in. She watched him surveil the room and move closer to the emitter on his desk.

"Lose something?" Derek came out of the shadows and started fighting with the hunter. Derek's claws were held against the mans neck while his gun was against the wolf's head.

"Why are you breaking into my apartment?" Sofia heard the unknown man say.

"Why are you leaving emitters in my loft?" Derek spewed back clearly agitated.

The man took a heavy breath, "I have no idea why that would be in your loft." His gun was slowly lowered and Derek released his grip.

As the man moved to the other side of the desk, Sofia suddenly recognized his face. She moved out of the corner, finally making her presence known.


The man looked up, startled, at the sound of a new voice. His eyes fell on the young girl standing in the office. Sofia watched as his mouth opened slightly, as if he didn't know what to say.

"Sofia?" he eventually cleared his throat. "What are you doing here? How is this possible?"

Sofia, giving no answer, darted forward and hugged the man before her. She basked in the embrace of familiarity. Argent reluctantly wrapped his arms around the girl, still confused.

Chris was a frequent collaborator when it came to the Calavera clan. He had visited for business a few times in the past. Although Sofia barely knew the man, she had grown to appreciate his presence. Whenever Chris Argent was involved with the Calaveras, Sofia was granted a small break. Araya's focus would fall to the man and allow Sofia not to train or face punishment.

Argent had never spent much time around Sofia but he knew what went down behind closed doors in that town. The first time he saw Sofia, she was a little girl mourning the loss of her recently departed mother. Chris had known Mireya very well, she was the only Calavera he truly tolerated.

"Please don't tell them you saw me," she pleaded as they separated.

Chris, still looking for an explanation, just stood there taking in the situation. "What happened?"

"Maybe that's a story for another time," Sofia looked at the ground and backed up slightly.

As if remembering the current situation, Argent snapped back into reality, "Right, right," he started, looking back at Derek. "I spent the entirety of the last two days trying to find Stiles."

"Any luck?" Derek brushed over the whole reunion thing without a care.

"No," Chris said, a slight hint of defeat present in his tone.

Derek moved closer to the older man, "Me either," he paused, "Okay, we're both trying to find Stiles. Mind if I ask what you plan on doing if you find him?"

"Well, that depends on which Stiles I find."

Sofia leaned against the large desk, "Okay, shifting focus, what about the emitters? They definitely belong to a hunter. I've seen that prototype before."

Argent looked at the cabinet like holder on his wall. He walked closer to it and rubbed the lock. Derek and Sofia followed closely behind to see better.


Chris carefully pulled the door open and peered inside. Sofia stood slightly on the tip of her toes to see over him better. Inside laid a silver briefcase .

"This isn't mine. Careful," Argent reached in and slowly felt around the case. He pulled it out and placed it on the wooden desk. Chris opened the lid revealing stacks of cash. Derek and Sofia exchanged a glance at the reveal.

"How much do you think that is?"

"150,000," Argent answered without hesitation, "But it doesn't make sense. We never took the money."

Sofia leaned closer over the desk, "Whose money is it?"

The older hunter looked towards the two, "It belongs to a yakuza named Katashi. He has a nickname."

"Silverfinger." Two voices said at the same time. Derek looked at the first voice which belonged to Sofia. The three turned around to the second.

There stood Scott's dad holding a small bag with a silver finger inside. FBI agents stood behind the men.

"Where did you get that?" Chris asked, confused with the intrusion.

"Off Katashi's dead body."

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

Haleshoe is typing...

alright so ig friday updates aren't gonna stick lmaoo

i'm just gonna post whenever but it's definitely gonna be at least once a week!

i'm so tempted to post the next few chapters already but i haven't reread and fixed their issues yet😩😩

ALSO — ur comments literally make my day most of them are so funny😭😭

thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed <3

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