Chapter 22: Welcome

Start from the beginning

Izuku put down the picture frame and got up. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth, could you show me where to go for that? I'm still not familiar with things," Izuku asked and Katsuki got up and led him to the main bathroom area where the showers and sinks were. Of course, in the boys' bathroom, the showers for alphas and betas were separate from that of omegas as to not create any 'accidents'.

When the two were done they headed back upstairs and went to bed, it had been a fairly long day and the couple was ready to relax. They lied down on the bed at quickly went to sleep. Izuku couldn't help but purr happily, it had been a long week and a half and Izuku was glad to finally be back in Katsuki's arms. Katsuki just chuckled as he tightened his grip around Izuku, he too was glad that Izuku was back safe and sound.

When the two woke up Katsuki quickly got up to get breakfast before the kitchen area got crowded. Izuku quickly followed Katsuki out. When the two made it to the kitchen, the other students of 1-A were either out on a morning jog or still sleeping. Katsuki gestured for Izuku to sit at one of the tables which he did. Izuku watched as Katsuki quickly and gracefully cooked them both breakfast.

When other people started arriving for breakfast Katsuki and Izuku were already happily eating the breakfast made by the alpha. Kaminari walked up to the two. "Ah, he gets your cooking but we don't? I just wanted to try it once and you looked at me as if I had just said the most revolting thing ever," Kaminari said as he examined the food on both plates. While Katsuki glared at Kaminari, Kirishima looked at him in astonishment, "Wow, that's such an advanced word for you," he said snickering. Kaminari turned his attention to Kirishima. "Hey! I'm not that dumb," he said sounding offended.

Izuku giggled at the strange argument as he continued to happily munch on Katsuki's incredible cooking. When Katsuki finished eating he ran upstairs and put on his uniform, there wasn't a lot of time before having to leave class. Katsuki came back and led Izuku up to his dorm room and explained the situation to him. "We've already talked with your teachers, you'll join them online via your phone. It's not going to be the same but it's the best we can do while we make sure you're not gonna get kidnapped again," Katsuki explained. Izuku nodded and kissed Katsuki's cheek on the way out.

Katsuki walked out for class, there wasn't much time to waste so he hurried off to class. It was like any other Friday, most people started to check the time, especially after lunch. Today had no hero lessons so most of the day was the class just sitting there bored out of their minds as they listened to yet another lecture. Everyone was running out that door as fast as they could once the final bell of the day rang. Katsuki followed the rest of his classmates out of the student-filled hallways to the dorms.

Izuku sat in the dorms wondering if he should start the call before class started. He decided it would be fine so Izuku called Ms. Tanaka, his homeroom teacher didn't take long to pick up and he smiled as his teacher spoke. "Hey, glad to see you're doing okay," Ms. Tanaka said. "Yeah, sorry for not being at school for a few days, it's been pretty rough," Izuku replied smiling. He could hear snickering in the background, 'Of course, the rest of the class is already there,' he thought as he tried to not let it bother him. "Well, either way, I'm glad that you'll be able to somewhat join in on class activities." "Hey, you think you're so high and mighty not having to come to class, where are you?" One of Izuku's classmates mocked.

Izuku kept on a happy face as best he could, of course on the first day back to school someone would try to call him out. "I can't show proof because I'm indoors but I'm in UA," Izuku said happily, even if he was there for surveillance purposes, Izuku was extremely happy to be there. "Yeah right, I bet he's with that super awesome class 1-A too," someone else chimed in. The class started laughing and Ms. Tanaka just gave them a frustrated look. She sighed, "Izuku, class will start in a few minutes and when the other teachers are in here you won't be able to ask questions, just giving you the heads up." Izuku nodded and grabbed his notebook, he would make sure to write everything down quickly and efficiently.

The day was fairly tiring, it was tempting to zone out of the class but Izuku stayed focused taking notes. When it was the class' break for lunch, Ms. Tanaka went to talk with him again. "Izuku you can get off now, the rest of the day will be tech work, I hope you can do that from home," she said. Izuku nodded, "Yup! I got everything I need." "Alright, I'll see you next week then, glad to have you back." Izuku turned off his phone and went down into the quiet kitchen area. The usual bustle of conversation wasn't there since everyone was still in class. Izuku made himself a simple lunch, just a sandwich, and went up to his dorm to start working.

Hours passed and Izuku didn't even realize that Katsuki had come into the room until he was tapped on the shoulder. Izuku jumped and took his earbuds out looking at Katsuki. "Didn't think you'd be that much in the zone, didn't mean to startle you," Katsuki said smirking. Izuku walked up and hugged him, "Did you have a good day at school?" Izuku asked. Katsuki made a "tch" sound and walked over to sit on the bed. "It was just like any Friday, boring as hell," Katsuki replied.

"Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad, I mean, my day was pretty fun," Izuku argued. Katsuki chuckled, "That's because you got to work on your projects for half of the time," Katsuki said. Izuku nodded, "Fair point." Izuku sat next to Katsuki and leaned toward him, resting his head on Katsuki's shoulder Izuku started to close his eyes. "Guess even with you having half the day to just mess around with your machinery we both had a rough day," Katsuki said as he looked over to Izuku who nodded ever so slightly. Katsuki sat there as he let Izuku sleep on his shoulder.

The rest of the day was similar to yesterday, everyone had dinner, and Katsuki and Izuku were interrogated by some of Katsuki's classmates, this time for a much smaller amount of time. When the couple were finally going to sleep, they flopped on the bed tiredly, they were ready for a weekend. Izuku snuggled into Katsuki's side stuffing his face in Katsuki's neck inhaling the chili pepper-like smell. Katsuki chuckled comfortably as his face was met with a bush of curls. The two could get used to this new living accommodation, it was much better than only seeing each other on the weekends.

(Alright, that's chapter. Sorry it's fairly short and took a little longer than I had hoped, I got a little writer's block. Either way, have a great rest of your day/night.)

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