161. see you later

Start from the beginning

"But, Claudia-"

"I need you to let me go," Claudia whispered, and now there was no holding the tears back. "Okay? I need you to do that for me. For him."

"But, Claudia!" Hope sobbed.

"I need you to promise me two things just like I promised you," Claudia sniffled. "I need you to let me go. Please. And I need you to be there for him when I'm gone. He needs his mum, Hope."

Hope nodded briskly with a weird expression on her face as she realised that she had to let her go. She had to let Claudia let them go.

"I'll be there," she said, wiping away her tears as Claudia let go of her. "When are you leaving?"

"I'm going to wait for him to wake up," Claudia said in a weak tone.

"Do you need me there?"

"I think we need to do this on our own," Claudia replied, wearing a thankful yet forced smile on her face. "I love you, Hope. Thank you so much for everything. Truly. For letting me stay here, for being so nice...for being a second mum. Thank you."

"Oh, Claudia-"

Please try to get some sleep," Claudia cut her off, because she couldn't take the emotional talks anymore.

Not when the worst one was to come.

"And don't worry, he'll be alright."

Hope nodded, but she didn't believe Claudia for one bit. "I love you too, dearie. Come see me again if you can."

"I will if I can," Claudia nodded, taking Hope's hand and squeezing it one last time before walking towards the stairs again, only to stop and turn around as Hope called after her again.

"I'm saying this as another mum," Hope said tiredly with a small and weak smile. "Your mum is so proud of you, dear. So, so proud."

Hope would never understand how much those words meant to Claudia. Maybe she would know that it meant something, but she would never understand the measure of it all.

If only her mum had been there to help her through it. But she was going to be fine by herself; because Claudia Maple was as strong as one could get.

After a final weak smile sent Hope's way, Claudia returned back to Remus' bedroom. He was still sleeping despite the sun that was shining on his face, and Claudia found herself smiling as soon as she lay eyes on him.

It was a strange day. Ever since she had known that she was to leave him, Claudia had imagined what she would say, what it would feel like and what the world around her would be like.

She had expected a big fight. Tears. And most of all, she had seen grey skies and rain.

But, it was a sunny summer day. It was a promise of light and joy; and somehow that was better than grey skies and rain.

She knew that leaving him would be the best thing for everyone. She knew that the sun would shine more in time. And that summer sun felt symbolic for it.

She crawled back into the bed. She couldnt help it. Just a little while longer, she thought to herself.

It was so strange that after all they had built up, things would get torn down again in the matter of minutes. They had started off young, innocent and nervous, and now they were two pieces in a puzzle.

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