messages [t.r]

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a little prequel to the birthday imagine i wrote a while ago. enjoy :)

finding a good parking spot in this crowded ass place has and will always be the most frustrating thing ever. not to mention the anxiety of the news i found out not even 15 minutes ago mixing with the stress of parking big four-wheeled vehichles in tiny parking spots doesn't go together well. a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.

locking the door, i clutch my bag that is around my shoulder and take out my phone. unlocking it with my finger id, i immediately search up gio's contact and type in the messages i was supposed to type 15 minutes prior, but of course i'm late somwhere again.

gio the test came back positive

both of them

i'm pregnant
sent 6:41pm

i stop and wait at the front door of måneskin's studio, hoping to get a response from giorgia before i actually have to go in. she always answers her messages quickly.

after a few minutes that feel like a lifetime to me, i text her again.

gio, answer me!

what do i do?

i'm scared shitless and i'm seeing thomas literally right! now!

how do i tell him?
sent 6:43pm

this is so weird. she's always near her phone, hell, her job is purely on social media. i'm confused as to why she decided not to answer at the most frustrating time ever.

putting that aside and putting on a fake smile, i walk into the building where thomas is waiting for me. we're supposed to be heading to dinner and i offered to pick him up from the studio where he had band rehearsal all afternoon.

i can already tell i'm not gonna be able to eat much at dinner. i'm too nervous and the thought of food is making me feel so weak right now. but i agreed to it and i don't want the pregnancy to slip out, so i'm gonna have to suck it up.

going through the well known halls of their studio, i knock on the door and let myself in. even though i knocked, i gave the people inside no time to react whatsoever.

when i enter, i'm met with three very familiar faces. i smile to myself.

"hey guys," i greet ethan, victoria and damiano who are scattered around their studio, going over their recorded unreleased music, "are you close to finishing? where's thomas?" i ask, sounding out of breath.

they look between each other and then at the back of the room, all three of them staying silent.

"what- what's up? what's going on?" i ask, coming in closer to them. i'm now confused more than ever.

"um, thomas received some news a couple of minutes ago." ethan starts talking.

"yeah." damiano confirms, biting down on his nails.

"he's kind of just sat there," vic points to the back of the room, thomas' silluete evident in the background, "he didn't tell us what it is that's bothering him. he's in a shock state. that's all we know."

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