POV's Part Two

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The Total Drama Annual Prom is coming tomorrow, and I'm still definitely in love with the girl of my dreams, Samey-or Sammy...what name do you call her? I'm so confused. Eh, I'll just call her the angel twin for short. After I've received that invite the other day, I was stuck between choosing Jasmine, Amy, or Scarlett! They were the three girls that I fell in love with back on that island from last season.

Then that day, when I got the invite, I just stopped at the music store, and the funny thing is, I just bumped into a clerk that happened to be someone who used to be on Total Drama with me before. He goes by the name of Beardo. Pretty funny name, huh? Well, he's a nice smart guy, and that dude can make very realistic sound effects! That's a pretty interesting talent, am I right? If I bump into a girl who has that kind of a high quality talent, I would be in love...

I just went to the music store to buy a couple of CD's for one of my former love interests that I've encountered with back on the island. I just bought three for three! I wasn't sure on who to take since I don't want to hurt Jasmine, Amy, or Scarlett's feelings! I've ended up sitting at a small table after purchasing those three CD's from the store. I had to think for a little while on who I should take.

Then the next thing you know, that clerk who used to be on the island with me, got off shift, so he was walking straight home until I've waved and called him. He went to sit next to me since we've recognized each other before. The way he talks was strange, yet it was pretty interesting. I've called him because I wasn't sure on who I should take to prom, and I thought I should get some advice by someone who might know Jasmine, Amy, and Scarlett before.

Another funny thing is, he's known those three while he was away, although he was on the opposite team as all four of us. Beardo's told me that he was catching up the episodes that he was watching back home right after he was eliminated, and he's seen the way I act, the way I talk to the girls...everything! He's also told me that none of those three girls are right for me...

I was a bit heartbroken when he told me that Jasmine already has a boyfriend...I guess it's my karma after dumping her for Amy...and then Beardo's mentioned that Scarlett was still nowhere to be found...I really don't get why...he didn't fully tell me on what happened to her asides the fact that she's been gone for a whole month. I sure hope that she's okay, and then with Amy...he's told me that I'm no match for her either, only because she's treated me and the angel twin poorly. Yeah, she did punch me by the stomach once, not that I actually mind it...I kind of liked it...but Beardo has said that Amy's not into me...

He's suggested me to ask the angel twin instead. I was unsure of it at first, because I actually thought that Amy's the nicer twin...but when he's told me that the angel twin had a slight crush on me...I almost felt speechless as I feel like I should've given her a chance. It made me feel like I was just judging her right before I've even gotten to know her. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Amy and Scarlett have moved on already...so I guess, why not?

Then afterwards, I just bumped into her along with Jasmine at the clothing store. I can only tell it was her since Jasmine called her "Sammy". I went to pick up some formal clothes to wear to prom, but somehow, I just bumped into her. I took Beardo's advice and asked her out to prom. The angel twin got really excited and happy, and then the next thing that happened, she kissed me on the cheek! Wow, I've never been kissed on the cheek before like that from a girl...I can definitely tell that...it's true love...I know the angel twin and I will have a good time! I'm never gonna forget that red lipstick mark on my cheek...so definitely looking forward to tomorrow...


So tomorrow's prom, and I'm really excited! That other day, when my sister and I got into another huge argument, I was literally about to beat the crap out of her since her bossy butt was starting to get on my nerves! Then it got better when Jasmine came to visit me! She received a reuniting invitation from Mike and Zoey, who used to be on Total Drama before, just like us! Of course, she's still gonna go with Shawn as dates since they've been dating for a full month right now! I'm like...so happy for them!

Total Drama Pahkitew Prom Disaster! (In Progress)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ