Start from the beginning

"Hey, do you know where the kitchen is?" Dew asks when he finally reaches the guard, who looks down at him. He immediately feels out of place.

"I need to see some identification."

Dew resists the urge to roll his eyes. He starts feeling around his pockets, before he realizes it's back in the lab with Dr. Sanchez. Damn, Marley gave it to him for this very reason, too. His hall pass.

"Uh, it's not on me." He's a pretty good distance away from the lab, too, and he doesn't want to walk all the way back. Not to mention he'd like to be away from Dr. Sanchez as long as possible after catching her. "I work here, though."

"If you can't show me proof of your authorization to be here, I will apprehend you."

This time, Dew actually does roll his eyes. See? This is what he's talking about, not even two minutes into the conversation and this guy has already threatened to arrest him.

"Dude, I work in the lab with Dr. Sanchez and I'm hungry." Dew guesses that it sort of makes sense to have strict law enforcement in the castle of a person that rules half the world, but that doesn't mean he isn't irritated at the inconvenience.

Dew's eyes widen when the guy starts reaching for something on his belt, starting towards him. "You are under arrest for trespassing restricted property without authorization. Anything you say can—"

Dew steps back, resorting to plan B. "Okay, okay, damn, how about you let me call Rowan? He... uh, knows me."

Very well.

The guard stops, seeming to contemplate this. Honestly, Dew really isn't expecting it to work.

"You mean Captain Lux?"

Dew blinks. Oh yeah, he forgot he's supposed to call Rowan that. Hm. "Yeah, whatever."

"You will get a phone call once you've been detained." It's obvious this guy doesn't believe Dew. He can't really blame him, since it's probably not an uncommon thing for someone under arrest to claim they know someone on the inside. Still, the dude could at least hear him out.

Dew can sense his impatience. This guard clearly has things to do, and Dew is just an inconvenience. He grabs Dew by the arm, roughly, and locks one of the handcuffs on. He's about to do the same to the other hand, and Dew's going to make some unwise choices, when they hear a voice a few feet away.


Both Dew and the guard glance up at the familiar, authoritative voice. Wow, for once Dew's luck is on his side. There Rowan is, standing with his arms crossed in his white uniform.

The guard immediately lets go of Dew and stands at attention. Rowan isn't really looking at him, though.

"Rowan!" Dew can't even contain his excitement, immediately moving to stand closer to the guy.

"Can you tell him that I have authorization to be here?" Dew asks, loud enough for the guard to hear him and with quite a bit of attitude. Rowan raises an eyebrow, glancing at the guard.

"Where's your ID?" He asks Dew, eyes back on him again. Dew decides that he doesn't like that question.

"Back at the lab. I wanted to know where the kitchen is but this guy wouldn't tell me. Me and Dr. Sanchez are hungry."

"You wouldn't have been able to access the kitchen without an ID, anyway." Rowan replies.

Dew glares at him. He ignores the fact that he feels kinda dumb right now. Here he was thinking Rowan would take his side.

"Yeah? Well that's stupid. And so are you. Both of you suck, actually, I'm gonna go find the kitchen by myself." Dew declares, sending each of them a dirty look before turning around. He makes to stomp off, but then his arm is being grabbed. He spins around so that he's facing Rowan head on.

Philo [MXM] [BOOK 2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now