everybody hates funerals

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"Man your grandfather died? I had a parakeet that died once. I cried for three weeks." Greg says. "I remember when my grandfather died. I was really little. He died in his room when me and my family were barbecuing." I say. "Aw man. I'm sorry." Greg says. (True story. Rip Grandaddy.)

"My mom is acting really strange." Chris says. "You mean strange like, dressing up as a chicken saying there's a TV in my head strange?" Greg asks. "What?" I murmur. "No. She's just really nice." Chris says, then the bell rings. We get up to go to class.

"So were you guys close?" I ask. "Yeah." Chris answers. "Chris, why don't you stand up and tell the rest of the class. What you were discussing with Desiree." Ms. Morello says. "My grandfather died." Chris says.

"Chris, thats not funny. What are you gonna do when your grandfather dies for real? Just because you didn't study for a test doesn't mean you can go killing off your family. Who's next? Your father? Your mother? Why don't you kill your sister or your brother?" Ms. Morello says. What is she on?

"He's telling the truth." Greg says. "Oh. Oh, Chris." Ms. Morello says. "Wait. You belive him?" Chris asks. "Of course." Ms. Morello answers. "And not me?" Chris asks. "Well, Chris,  your grandfather died. You might say anything. What are you even doing here? Bring me your paper. Don't worry about the test. You're excused." Ms. Morello says.


My family and I went to Chris' house after his grandfather's funeral and there was a bunch of people.

I met Chris' uncle, Michael. "Oh Chris got himself a little girlfriend." He says, smiling. "No Uncle Michael. This is my friend. Desiree." Chris says. "Hi." I say. "Oh. You're the one Chris talked about a lot. She is pretty Chris. You done picked yourself a good one." Michael says. "Oh. So I'm pretty?" I ask. "Uh Uncle Michael we're gonna be over there." Chris says.

Me and Chris were talking trying to get through people then we see Greg. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Chris asks. "My dad dropped me off to pay my respects." Greg answers. "Thanks man." Chris says.

"He had to go to work." Greg adds. "Mama! Come look! Chris got a white friend." Chris' uncle says. "Micheal, close your mouth. Stop acting like you never seen a white person before. Hi, honey. You hungry? You want something to eat?" Chris' grandmother asks. "Sure." Greg answers. "Well, come on."


It was time to leave so I went to say bye. "Bye Chris. Sorry about your grandfather." I say, giving him a hug. "Its okay. Bye." He says. I say bye to the rest of the family as my family does too and we leave.

When we get in the house I go to my room and lie down.


I wake up and look at my clock. 6:57 it read. I raise up and take the blanket that one of my parents must've put over me, off. I was still in my dress from yesterday.

I make my way to the kitchen. "Goodmorning Desiree." My dad says. "Goodmorning dad." I say. "Breakfast is ready." I hear my mom say. Kyle comes running in. I take a seat as my mom sets down some plates. We say the blessing and eat.

"Desiree, why do you still have your dress on?" Kyle asks. "I fell asleep in it." I answer.

I go into my room to get ready and brush my teeth but before I could do that, my phone starts ringing. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey, its Brandon. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today." Brandon says. Since when did Brandon want to start hanging out with me? "I uh uhm..." I hesitate. I didn't know what to say. "Uhh sure. Uh, what time?" I ask.

"About 2:30?" "Oh uh yeah thats cool. I'll come over later." "Oh alright. Bye." "Bye." I say then hang up. I start to think of Tyler. I should've just said I couldn't hang out.

I brush my teeth then get ready. I do my hair then read some magazines.


I was lying in bed when I heard my stomach growl. I get up to go into the kitchen. I get myself a bowl of chips and make my way to my room. "Mom said you can't bring food into the room." Brandon says. I look at him and sit on the opposite side of the couch and eat my chips, watching whatever he was.

It was about 2:32 when I heard knocking on the door. "I'll get it." Brandon says then gets up. I lie down on the couch as Brandon answered the door.

"Hey Desiree." I hear him say. Desiree? I shoot up from the couch, sitting up. "Hey Brandon ready to go?" She asks. "Yeah, come on. Lock the door Tyler!" Brandon yells.

I sigh and lock the door and go to my room I plop down on my bed and reach for the basketball cards Desiree gave me, and look at them. My eyelids start to feel heavy and I feel my self drift off to sleep.


Brandon took me to an arcade. The same arcade that Tyler took me to. We sat down and ate which was pretty fast. We got up to play some arcade games. We ended up getting carried away with many rounds of air hockey as we ended  up in a tie. "Aw man." Brandon says. "Aw man is right. I would've beat you." I say.

"Could've, should've, would've. Wanna bet?" Brand asks. "Alright. What are we betting for?" I ask. "If I win... have to hang out again tomorrow." Brandon says. "Ok and if I win, you have to pay for when we hang out tomorrow." I say. "Alright bet." He says holding his hand out. I shake his hand as the bet was official. (No, Desiree didn't pay for this)

He inserts a coin as I do too and our game starts. I end up getting another point and win. "Yes! Haha I won!" I say. "Alright alright. I'll pay for when we hang out tomorrow." He says. "Wait a minute." Brandon says. "What?" I ask. "I said that if I win we hang out tomorrow. But you said I have to pay for when we hang out tomorrow." He pauses.

"Okay keep going." "That means, it didn't matter who won we would still hang out tomorrow." He says. (Slow mf😭) "That is correct. Now come on I wanna play some more games." I say.

After a couple more hours of playing games it was time to go home. "Tonight was honestly fun." I say. "Yeah?" "Yeah. It was especially fun when I beat you at air hockey." I say. "Yeah yeah. I still won you in that staring contest." He says as we laugh. (This is so damn cheesy.)

He puts his arm around me as we walk. "Its not my fault you kept distracting me." I say. "I wasn't distracting you." He says as he shakes me a bit. We finally get to his house. "Why don't you come in for a bit I got something I want you to have." He says. "All right." I say.

He unlocks the door and we enter. We enter his room a he goes into his closet. He comes out with sees candy. "Here. Tyler told me you loved these." He says. "No way I can't take these. They're so expensive." I say.

"Please. I have another box." Brandon says. "Alright. Thank you so much." I say. I get up from his chair to give him a hug. "You should get going its getting late. I'll walk you to your house." "Okay."

He walks with me to my house which was not far at all. "Bye Desiree. Ill see you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow." I say, then walk into the house.

I eat dinner brush my teeth and of course call Makayla and tell her everything. It wasn't long until I fell asleep as I was exhausted.

The next day I hung out with Brandon.

Yall I have mixed emotions about this. Anyways, who should Desiree's first kiss? Tyler, Chris, or, Brandon. I know yall probably won't say but thats okay.❤

Also R.I.P Grandaddy. ❤

Everybody hates Chris. Chrisxblackfemalereader Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora