Everybody hates a part time job

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"A leather Jacket? What do you need a leather jacket for?" Greg asks. "I have a leather jacket so..." I say. "See, Desiree has one. And Keisha said it was cool so I want one." Chris says. "You think a leather jacket is going to make you look cool?" Greg asks.

"I mean, yeah. The only thing thats stopping me is, I don't have 50$." Chris says. "Just save up your allowance." I say. "My what?" Chris asks. "Allowance. It's money that your parents are supposed to give you every week." I say.


Me and Chris were at our lockers when Greg came with a leather jacket. "You got a leather jacket?" Chris asks. "Cool, huh? My dad got it for me at the army surplus store." Greg says. "Hey weren't you the one that said leather didn't make you cool?" I ask.

"Yeah, but, I was wrong. So, what did your dad say about an allowance?" Greg asks. "He said no... for about two hours." Chris says. "Hi, Greg. Nice jacket." A girl walking by says. "Wait. She's talking to you?" Chris asks. To be honest I was surprised myself.

"Cool, huh?" Greg asks. "I got to get me a leather jacket." Chris says as I pat his shoulder.

I was walking home but didn't see Kyle. I was confused because Kyle is usually walking up the stairs or close to the house.

I decided to just go in the house and I see Kyle laying down on the couch. "How come you're here early?" I ask, sitting by his feet. "School's closed. Some kids ate paint." He says. I give him a crazy look then get up and go to my room.

I relax and read my magazines on my bed, chilling. I get up and grab some money then put on my leather jacket.

I go to the liquor store (not that kind of liquor store) and go to the candy isle. I grab three Hershey's special dark chocolate. I buy them and go back to the house.

"Here." I say throwing Kyle one of the Hershey's I bought. "Thanks." He says. His attention still on the TV. I go to my room and call Tyler.

"Hey Tyler." "Hey. What's up?" "Nothing just wondering if you wanted to hang out." "Oh yeah sure. Where do you wanna go?" "I was thinking we could hang out at your house."

"Oh. Yeah we could do that." "Alright. I'll come over. See you later." "See you later." He says then I hang up. I grab some money and left notifying my mom.

I knock on the door and it opens revealing Tyler. "Hey." I say. "Hey." He says then gives me a hug. "Come in. You wanna hang out in my room?" "Yeah, sure." I say as we walk to his room.

He lays in is bed and puts his arms out. "Come on." He says. I take my jacket off and lay down next to him. "I brought this for you." I say giving him a Hershey's chocolate. "Thank you." He says.

After like thirty minutes he falls asleep. I felt my eyes get heavy and feel them close.

I woke up without Tyler next to me then I look at his alarm clock and read 6:24. "Oh shoot." I say to my syself.

I see Tyler walking in. "Tyler, why didn't you wake me up?" I ask. "Well you looked peaceful and I didn't want to wake you up. I was going to the bathroom and then your mom called for dinner. I asked her if you could have dinner here and she said yes." Tyler explained.

"Oh my gosh. Did she say anything else?" "Yeah. She said to make sure you are home before 8." Tyler says, as I sigh and fall back on his bed.

"Hey, dinners ready. Oh hey Desiree. I see that you are finally awake." Brandon says as he comes in and notices me. "Yep. Hey." "Hi. Now come on, mom made spaghetti." "Alright. Get out, we'll be there." Tyler says, pushing Brandon out the door. "You ready?" He asks me. "Yeah, let's go." I say.

"Mm. The spaghetti was good, Ms. Carter. Thank you." I say. "Your welcome. I'm glad you think so. You're welcome to come over anytime. Especially for dinner." She says. "Thank you." I say as she sends me a wink.

Moments later Tyler finished his food. "Thanks for the dinner mom. May me and Desiree be exused?" He says. "Yeah, go ahead baby." She says, as Tyler gets up and take me with him.

We go to his living room and watch TV then Brandon came. "Mind if I crash here for a moment?" He asks. "Yes." Tyler says but Brandon sat down anywaysR8S. The three of us watch TV as I feel myself falling asleep.

"I think I should go. I'm getting tired." I say. "And its almost 8." Brandon says. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow?" Tyler asks. "Yeah." I say. "Bye Desiree." Brandon says then give me a hug. I was a bit shocked at first so I hesitate. A second later I hug him back.

When we let go Tyler then gives me a hug followed along with a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Ms. Carter!" I say. "Bye!" I hear her say.

I get home and see no one but my dad on the couch. "Hey dad. I'm home." I say. "Hey honey. How was dinner over there?" "It was good. We had spaghetti." "Oh thats cool. Well, now that I know you are here, I can go to bed. Night honey." "Night dad." I say as he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

I go to my room and call Makayla. "He-" "Why haven't you been answering my calls Desiree?" "Sorry I was at Tyler's after school. I accidentally fell asleep and then, next thing you know I'm having dinner there."

"Wait you had dinner with Tyler?" "Yeah. He asked my mom if I could stay for dinner because I fell asleep." "Omg this is- I can't even- ugh I'm so jealous. I want what you and Tyler have. Me and Mike barely even talk." "Me and Tyler aren't even dating." "Yeah, but you guys are still like, the cutest. You guys go on the cutest dates, he wins things for you. Not to mention-"

"Okay Makayla. I get it. You can stop." "Sorry. Its just like me and Mike haven't seen eachother ever." "Oh. I'm sorry have you talked to Mike how you feel?"

"No. It'll feel all cheesy like how you and Tyler are." "Oh shut up." I say as we laugh. "No but for real. I don't think that we are going to ever go on a date. Ever." "Just try and talk to him about it. Bye, love you." "Love you too." She says, as I hang up.

I get ready for bed and although it was hard to fall asleep, I finally fell asleep.

Everybody hates Chris. Chrisxblackfemalereader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now