everybody hates picture day

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"Hey, ma. Can we please go shopping for picture day?" I ask my mom. "Well, we're short on money but I'll, see what I can do." She says. "Alright." I say and go back to my room. When my parents say "ill see." It meant I wasn't going to get what I wanted.


"Hey, what happened to your hair?" Chris asks Greg as he comes over to his locker. Gregs hair was uh, let's just say it didn't look so good.

"I wanted to try something new for picture day." Greg answers. "Well then try again." I say. "Come on, man, its like Billy Idol. Its just hair gel." Greg says.

"Yeah, but on Picture Day, aren't you supposed to look like... I don't know.. you?" Chris asks, pretty much knowing the answer. "It was either this or Boy George." Greg says.

"Boy George? Man, the girls would have been all over you." Chris says. "No offense but, I wouldn't." I say. "Actually I might. If you weren'tmy bestfriend." I say. "What about your guy's picture, you doing anything special?" Greg asks, as I move my pigtails back to the front after they moved over to the back..

"My mom's taking me shopping after school for a new outfit." Chris says. "Get out. What are you gonna get?" Greg asks. "I don't know. Anything that does not have a big red fire truck on it." Chris says.

"Well my mom said 'ill see' so ill probably have to try and find something from my closet. That's where my best clothes are." I say. "Makes sense. I'm prettysure that's where everyone's best clothes are." Greg says. "Yeah. I mean, if I do get to go shopping, then I'll definitely be one of the best looking girl here. Not to be cocky or anything. Just confidence." I say. "Nice hair. You waiting for a white wedding?" Caruso says, then bumps Greg's shoulder.


I walk home and see my mom on the couch. "Ready to go?" She asks. "Go where?" "To the clothing store. You wanted some clothes didn't you?" "Yeah." "Okay so let's go." She says, getting up.

After shopping for clothes for me and Kyle, the two of us plopped down on the couch.


I woke up early to get ready for picture day. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I put on a plain black skirt with a black short-sleeve turtleneck sweater. I put on my jean jacket and of course, my Air Force's.

I put on my rings, necklaces, and small hoop earrings. After that, I applied lipgloss and went to my mom's room. "Hey mom, can I borrow your makeup?" I say fast.

"What for?" She asks. "For picture day." I say. "Mm fine, but not too much." She says. "Ok thanks." I say.

I go to my room and put on a natural eyeshadow color and some light blink blush, something that isn't really noticeable, besides the lipgloss.

I go to the bathroom and do my hair. I let my hair down and make a few adjustments. I grab my bookbag and go to school.

"Hey Greg." I whisper to Greg as he stands by me for  the picture. "Hey." He whispers back. "Where'd you get that?" Greg asks as Chris comes over to us. "Drama department. I felt better in my underwear." Chris answers. "Just stay back here. Nobody will notice you." Greg says.

"Hey, kid, can you kind of slide over some?" The guy who takes the pictures asks Chris.  Talk about nobody will notice you. "Who, me?" Chris asks. "Yeah, you." He says. Chris moves in between Greg and a girl who was standing next to him.

"Nah, its no good. You know what? Just come up front." He says. "I'd rather stay back here." Chris says. "Come on. Your mother will be able to see you and you won't be lost in the back row." He says as Chris goes to where he was directed.


"Hey baby, where are your pictures for Picture Day?" My mom asks. "Right here." I say giving her my picture. "Oh baby look at you! You look good!" She says. "Thank you. You think I can go over to Tyler's?" I ask. "Yeah sure just be home by 8." "Thank you." I say as I put on my jacket and go to Tyler's house.

I knock on the door and it opens to reveal Brandon. "Hey Brandon. Is Tyler here?" I ask, giving him a hug. "Yeah he's in the living room, come in." Brandon answers.

"Tyler, Desiree is here." He says. "Hey Dessire." Tyler says, giving me a hug. "Hey." I say.

"Come, sit down. You staying for dinner?" Tyler asks, as we sit down. "I don't think I am. I just wanted to hang with you for a bit." "Oh okay, cool."

After a while I feel myself closing my eyes but I try and stay awake. "Hey, what time is it?" I ask Brandon because Tyler is sleeping. "Its 5:48. Why?" He asks. "I should get home." I say, getting up, causing Tyler to wake up. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"Im going home. I'll see you tomorrow." I say then give him a kiss on the cheek. "See you." He says. "Oh, I wanted to give you this." I say then give him a wallet size copy of my picture from picture day. "Thank you, you look good." He says. "Thank you." "So I don't get one?" Brandon asks. "Uh, right, here you go." I say giving him one. "Bye guys." "Bye Desiree." The two of them say in unison.
(When I get to editing this, I'm taking this part out cuz Idk what I was thinking)


I can't believe Brandon. Always flirting with Desiree knowing I like her. "Really Brandon?" I ask. "What? I can't have a picture of Desiree in my wallet? I think she's diggin' me." He says. "You are the worst brother ever you know that?" I ask.

"Awe it's okay Ty. I'll invite you to me and Desiree's wedding." He says. I look up at him and get up. He runs so I run after him. He goes into his room and locks the door so I bang on it.

"Look Tyler, you're in the friend zone." Brandon says. "Shut up." I say. "Okay. Oh Desiree kiss me so I can shut up." He says and starts to make kissing noises. I walk away from him. I wanted to bust down that door so badly.


I get home to find Kyle passed out on the couch so I go and pick him up to take him to his room.

After I'm done I go to my room. I put my hair in a low ponytail and clean up my room.

I eat dinner, brush my teeth, and change into my pajamas. I try and go to sleep but I can't. I try everything but still can't go to sleep. After what felt like many countless hours, I finally feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

Okay I'm kind of liking this one.❤

Everybody hates Chris. Chrisxblackfemalereader Book 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя