"Please, Rebekah! Do what you want with me just leave them out of it!"

Rebekah turned around a waltzed around Bucky, "come on Soldier, don't you think spidey could show us a few tricks, have some fun?"

"Peter... you sons of bitches have Peter?" Bucky knew that Amelia wouldn't have been stupid enough to come looking for him by herself, but bringing Peter, he knew she was desperate.

"Is that him name?" Rebekah awed, "he sounds so cute." She mocked. "I tell you what soldier... you tell me what I want... and I'll let them go. Simple as."

Bucky knew she was lying, he wasn't going to tell her anything, but he couldn't risk Amelia or Peter getting hurt. "Okay... I'll tell you." He sighed

Rebekah and Murphy listened closer, Murphy pulling up a chair in front of Bucky, and Rebekah leaning over his shoulders.

"It's in my apartment..." he responded, hoping that Steve would have moved it by now.

"We've already been there, it's not." Murphy spoke up, leaning forward.

"It's under the floorboards, in my bedroom, you'll know it when you see it." He spoke taking long breaths.

Rebekah traced her hands up Bucky's body from behind, making sure to apply pressure when she went over a wound, fresh or old. She crept closer to Bucky's ear, whispering "you know... if you're wrong..." she moved to the other ear, "you'll have more to worry about than me hurting your little girlfriend." She backed away with a smug look across her face. "Murphy, you wait here, make sure this mutt doesn't go anywhere."

Murphy nodded in confirmation. Once Rebekah had left the room, Murphy's shoulders relaxed slightly. "You know she's gonna flip when it's not there." He leant his rifle against the side of his chair, before getting up and grabbing a bottle of water.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Bucky kept himself on guard, even though he knew Murphy was the lesser of the two.

"Okay, sure. Pretend like you didn't just give your girlfriend a death wish." Murphy rolled his eyes, slumping back down in the chair.

Bucky looked up a him, making eye contact, "is she ... okay?" Bucky asked softly.

Murphy tutted, "you really don't get it, do you?" He paused, "it doesn't matter if she's okay or not, either way... bekah's gonna kill her." He cracked the water bottle open and took a sip.

Bucky's mouth watered, not remember the last time he had a drink, or something to eat. It only just hitting him that it had been a while, his focus staying on withstanding Rebekah.

"Im sorry, how rude of me. You want some?" He sarcastically offered Bucky.

"Murphy... please." Bucky begged, "is she okay?"

"Yes, Jesus, she's fine, for now anyway." Murphy leaned forward and gave Bucky a small sip of the water.

"Thank you." Bucky gasped. "You're not a bad person Murphy, you're being roped into this shit by her. Just let us go. Let them go." He once again begged.

Murphy began to chuckle, rubbing his palm against the back of his neck. "You really have no idea what happened after we escaped, do you?"

Bucky stayed silent. Of course he remembered, he was sent to get rid of them. Murphy end Rebekah had escaped hydras grasps a couple years before Bucky, making their way across Europe, never staying too long in one place. On night, they were ambushed by a hydra team in Tours, France. Bullets flying everywhere, they're nearly got out alive. Murphy, however, caught a bullet to stomach.

"She saved my life back there." Murphy lifted up his top, showing his scar. "It was a living hell, for months on end. Trying to adjust to life again, trying not to be found... well you know about that part don't you." He glanced at Bucky. "We found comfort in each other, tending to each others needs."

"I really don't wanna hear about your sex life, Murphy." Bucky snarked.

"Not in that way, you dick. We tended to each other's wounds, looked out for each other. She removed the bullet herself. I was on deaths door and she brought me back... I owe her my life for that."

"You don't owe her shit." Bucky sniffed, trying to stop the blood from dripping further from his bloody nose.

"You know..." Murphy wandered over the a wall of things that look like they'd hurt. "For a guy in your position..." he grabbed a few jumper cables from the wall. "You sure do run your mouth a lot." He went back to Bucky, attaching the cables to his metal chair, the other end to a generator.

"Wait Murphy... Wha- what are you doing?" Bucky began to panic. Murphy grabbed the bucket of water beside him and doused Bucky with it, soaking his shirtless body. Bucky grit his teeth as the water made his wounds sting.

"Well... Rebekah would be disappointed if she came back and you're not in worse shape." He commented slyly, before slowly turning the dial up.

Bucky knew he could withstand a few volts, but he knew Murphy wasn't just going to let him suffer comfortably. As the dial crept higher, Bucky could feel his muscles contract as the sizzling of his burning skin began to fill the room. He grit his teeth as much as he could before letting out a heart aching scream. That of which even Amelia could hear.

Her high pitched yelling for Bucky caught Murphys attention, even from the sound proof room next door. He turned the voltage off, giving Bucky a break. Bucky had no idea what what happening, his ears ringing from the volts going through his bones.

"Looks like your girlfriends awake..." He leant down the match eye level with Bucky, placing his hand on Buckys chin, lifting up his drooped head. He tapped his cheek a couple of times to bring bucky back to reality before speaking again. "Did you hear me lover boy? I said she's awake." An evil grin grew across his face. "Let's go pay her a visit."


Amelia tried to focus on healing her arm, remembering what Loki had taught her. She took the tourniquet off and covered her would with her hand, applying pressure and focusing on healing it. She winced as she felt her skin close back together beneath her palm.

A sudden harrowing scream faintly made its way into the room. Amelia could instantly tell it was Bucky's. Her heart sank at the thought of him in pain. "Bucky?" She said softly, letting the hurt take over her voice. The realisation kicked in when she thought they could be killing him, not just torturing him. "BUCKY!!!" Her high pitched and desperate yells tried to escape the room, seeping through the gaps in the door.

She stopped. Her voice aching from trying to get the others attention. She slouched, coming to the conclusion that her efforts were futile.

A loud clanging came from the other side of the metal door. Amelia and Peter instantly turned their heads, and pushing themselves back agains the wall. "It's okay Peter, just stay calm, and don't say anything." Amelia tried to act calm around Peter, but who was she trying to fool?

She was terrified of what awaited her beyond the door.

Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie (A Bucky Barnes x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now