"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit" I said looking around.

"Aurora are you okay" Scott said grabbing my face examining me to see if I was hurt, which he soon figured out I was. Lifting up my arm looking at it in shock. "Derek" Scott called Derek over from talking to stiles.

"Is this gonna hurt her or is it just a scratch?" Scott asked.

"She should be fine it was just a werewolf it's not poisonous or anything, I bet it hurts though" he shrugged. Well no shit it hurts Derek? I can see my fucking bone. "Give me your arm" he demanded. I looked at him confused. "Give me your arm or I'm gonna cut it the rest of the way off" he said annoyed.

I lifted my arm and rested it in his palms, he shut his eyes and began to focus.

"Dude what are you doing summoning a genie?" Stiles said confused.

"Will you shut up" he rolled his eyes and closed them again. Seconds later the veins in my arm turned black and transferred to Dereks arm turning his veins black as well, but my pain was going away? It wasn't healing but it didn't hurt anymore. He let go of my arm and fake smiled at stiles.

"Ok gross but what did it do?" Stiles asked.

"It took away my pain" I said shocked. Stiles' annoying look dropped off his face into an amazed expression widening his eyes.

"No way Scott you didn't tell me you guys could do that" Stiles said with his jaw nearly on the floor.

"I didn't know we could do that either" Scott said with the exact Same look Stiles has on his face. Me stiles and Scott all turned our head to Derek. "Why didn't you tell me we could do that?" Scott asked.

"I don't know it just didn't come up, we need to leave there's probably more of where that guy came from and I don't want to wait and find out" he said leaving and getting in the car. We all trailed behind him getting in the car.

Scott got in front and me and stiles climbed in back. Derek drives many cars but I've never seen this one before. Its big boxy and black it's like the cars FBI agents drive.

After me and Stiles showered and changed clothes, and Derek wrapped up my arm he sat us all down in the living room to ' talk'.

"So" Derek said sitting on the couch whilst Scott and stiles sat on the other couch across from us. "Would you two like to explain why you deliberately disobeyed my only rule when all I said was not to leave" he said sounding like an upset father.

"I'm sorry-"

"You better be because you too would be dead if me and Scott weren't just so happen to be driving by" he said shaking his head.

"I know-"

"Do You have a death wish Aurora?" He said cutting me off again.

"Derek please just let me talk" I pleaded.

"I'm listening" he said looking straight in the eye.

"We just wanted to go and do something normal for once Derek, not that you know what it's like because you've been doing this you're whole life, and I'm sorry I really am but I just want to know what it feels like to be a normal teenage girl, I want to take 10 minutes to put on mascara, I want to go to the mall, I want to go on a date, I wanna go to the movies, I want to cry over a book but instead I get shit blown up in my face" I spat out in defeat. The three of them stared at me as if I just hit their cat or something.

"Aurora that's great you want to do all of those things, and I'm sorry that I can't let you. It's unsafe for you right now and it probably always will be there are people right now that have a top priority of killing you because it heals them" Derek said in the same strict tone he's been using with me all day.

My brothers best friend ||STILES STILINSKI||Where stories live. Discover now