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The sleep I had last night was the best sleep I had gotten in years. I guess it was just more comforting knowing that my mom and scott would be there when I wake up, instead of waking up in a house alone.

I rolled over to silence my beeping alarm. I can't believe I woke up on time. my mom told me the night before to wake up Scott for her just incase he didn't wake up, which doesn't surprise me he never woke up when we were kids. I hopped out of bed, walked down the hallway and Pounded my fist on his door.

"SCOTT ARE YOU AWAKE?" I yelled from behind the door. I got no response so I took it upon myself to walk in, and of course he was not awake. But I noticed he had a huge bloody bandage on his side. I reached over to lift it up, but then he shot up out of bed.

"Scott what is that from, it wasn't there last night?"i said confused and a little bit worried.

"Please don't be mad" he said cautiously. I stood there silently waiting for an answer. "So, last night stiles showed up again after he left, and ughm you- you- were sleeping so I didn't wanna wake you or anything" he stuttered.

"Scott get to the point" I said impatiently.

"God okay, me and stiles went looking for half of a dead body last night-"

"No way which half" i said intrigued.

"Aurora that's not the point" Scott said clearly annoyed.

"Okay, okay, continue" I said waiting.

"stiles got caught by his dad and I didn't so I was left alone. and I know this sounds crazy but a wolf bit me".

"A wolf bit you?" I said confused once again

"Yes a wolf bit me. I know it's hard to believe but I saw what I saw" he said confidently this time.

"Scott not that I don't believe you or anything but last time I checked wolves don't live in California" I replied. He threw his arms in the air in response with and 'I don't know either' look on his face.

"whatever we can talk about it when we get to school" I groaned.

I walked out of his room, but then I walked back realizing, how are we gonna get to school if mom had the car. I mean you could ride the bus, or walk but the bus stinks, and is full of sweaty kids, and we would definitely be late if we walked. "Ughm hey Scott?"

"Yeah" he said back.

"How exactly are we supposed to get to school?"i said slowly.

"Oh ughm, stiles usually drives me. So I was thinking you would just ride with us" he replied.

"Oh ughm okay" i then walked out of the room once again. Great this is gonna be awkward.

I then got ready I threw on some clothes, did my makeup, brushed my teeth, and I took a shower the night before so I was good on that. Then I herd a car outside honking obnoxiously, that's probably stiles."SCOTT COME ON" I yelled running down the hallway. His bedroom door opened and he followed behind me.

I got in the blue jeep, and climbed in the middle because he had crap in the back."ugh hey, Aurora" he said nervously.

"Why do you look like your about to orgasm or something" i said. And I wasn't lying he really looked like he was 3 seconds away from-.

My thoughts were cute off by a loud slap. It was stiles' hand hitting himself in the mouth. He looked at me with wide eyes, then removed his hand from his mouth and scratched the back of his head.

Scott then climbed in and shut the jeep door, and I think he could sense the tension in the car because it was a kind of obvious with the face that stiles was making.

—————10 minutes later—————-

When we got to the school Scott explained what happened with the bite and etc. and of course stiles responded the same way I did "dude there hasn't been wolves in California in 60 years" stiles said dragging out the 'years' part.

"Really" Scott said as if I didn't already tell him the same thing.

"Yes really" i said back slightly annoyed

"Well if you don't believe me about the bite, you're definitely not gonna believe me when I say I found the other half of the body" Scott said like a little kid finding out a new Star Wars movie is coming out .

"WHAT" me and stiles said in sync. I don't think Scott noticed but me and stiles gave each other a quick glance, then brought our attention back to him.

"Man this has to be the best thing that has happened to our town since-" then a beautiful strawberry blonde haired girl walked in our direction. "Since the  birth of Lydia Martin" stiles said. I don't know why but I was little jealous for some reason. And I definitely don't think stiles was expecting her to stop, but she did. I think he was expecting her to talk to him but that wasn't the case.

"Ugh oh, hey Lydia" stiles said shocked.

"And who are you" Lydia said smiling at me. I kinda felt bad for stiles but I still responded.

"Oh I'm Aurora McCall" I'm smiled back happy that my only friends weren't gonna be my brother and his best friend.

"As in Scott McCall- WAIT you two are twins aren't you" she said excitedly.

"Ugh yeah, I love your outfit by the way" I beamed back trying to make a new friend.

"And you are my new best friend" she said back loving the fact I liked her outfit. With that she threw her arm over my shoulder and we walked into the school together.

I officially did It I made a friend that's not my brother or stiles. I mean they are great and all but I need some girl friends too you know. I can't always hang around the house with them, I have to do girly stuff sometimes, like I can't talk to them about boys. How am I supposed to talk to Scott and stiles about how I have a little girl crush on stiles, I just can't but Lydia I can for sure.

My brothers best friend ||STILES STILINSKI||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang