Dating The First Doctor would include

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~~You and the doctor had known each other since your days at the academy, and when he faced exile you came with him and Susan.

~~your backstory was that you were Susan's mother, considering how your first regeneration looked considerably younger than the doctors. It was definitely odd pretending not to have been what humans would have described as Highschool sweet hearts

~~when Barbara and Ian joined you on the TARDIS, you were angry with them at first considering the way they disrespected the doctor and refused to believe the truth in front of them later you warmed up to them. You and Barbara had become like sisters Before they left too

~~the doctor was too focused on traveling for things like marriage and children, timelords already are too busy with academics and furthering their time capabilities

~~however if time permitted it, you and the doctor would have the most fabulous dates, he'd always want to treat you right and with a little help from Barbara he could make you fabulous dinners or anything you wanted to do, he always felt he had a duty to show you the universe since you so willingly came with him into the unknown.

~~you stayed with the doctor after his regeneration, finding he needed someone who kept him in line and following the oath you took when you were kids,
'I swear to stay with you through your regenerations until the last'
That was something you stayed true too, up until the 13th doctor was with as you died having used up all of your regenerations.

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