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A/n: @kathleenevergreen thank you for the request, I'm so sorry for how long this took but I hope you enjoy

You laughed as the doctor told you another story of one of his many adventures.
One question lingered on your mind, since he brought up names you'd never heard before.
A sudden loud beeping from the TARDIS distracted the doctor momentarily.
"Y/n, could you go get me some spare tubing?"
"Where is it?"
"The 18th storage closet on the seventh floor, you should know this"
You rolled your eyes, but scoffed as you hopped down the stairs.
The Doctor watched as the doors shut behind you, a little bit of worry weighing on his hearts.

For a little bit you thought the TARDIS was leading you around in circles, but soon enough you came to a long stair case that seemed to go up for miles.
You sighed, bouncing your leg up and down contemplating going back to the doctor and saying that they were out.
Going up the stairs anyways, you got half way up, panting, by the time you reached the 5th floor,  you were crawling.
The TARDIS was most definitely playing games now, as you reached what should've been the 6th floor, it still read 5th.
Continuing on, despite the fact that the door still read 5th floor, you entered seeing it was a long dark corridor.
'Delete.... Delete'
An all too familiar sound of a stomping boot began at the other end of the hall way.
Cursing under your breath, you sprinted down the other end of the hallway, hiding behind the wall.
Another door opened and without really thinking about it you ran straight through it.
Remembering this console room, and the man on the side you gasped in surprise, his bow-tie and perfectly quaffed hair still as it was when you met.
"How can you be here? You Regenerated?"
"Oh I know, I'm all grey and old now aren't I?"
You nodded, he sighed trying not be too offended.
"Well, you win some you lose some, what are you doing here?"
"I was going to a storage closet, I think I got lost and there's a-"
"Delete.. Delete"
"Cyberman at the door"
You got out the last part, the doctor muttered to himself
"Blimey, well we've got to get you back now"
Hopping down the stairs, the doctor went towards his little storage compartment under the console, coming back up a few seconds later with cleaning fluid and gold foil.
"You take this, I'll open the door, when he comes through, you spray it like a spider"
"Got it"
Walking over to the door, the doctors hand resting over the lock
Opening the door, the cyber man let out a small shriek as the doctor slapped gold foil over its face, and you sprayed the fluid all over it until it stopped making noises and fell forward with a loud clunk.
"Wait a minute!"
The doctor suddenly announced, going back down the stairs.
"I'll clean this up, but there"
He tossed a small box up, you caught it before it hit the ground.
"This is how we'll get you back in touch with your doctor"
He took it out of your hands, from the one time you met he still looked like a child in a candy shop when he came up with a plan.
He used the sonic on it for a few moments until your doctors voice started to come through.
"Y/n? Are you alright?"
"Doctor, it's the doctor, can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear"
"Y/n got a bit lost, I'll send over a homing signal and you can take it from there"
"Got it"
Placing it in your hands, a steady beeping sound emitting from it.
"Thanks doctor"
You smiled, hastily kissing his cheek before going back out the door, laughing as he happily shouted
"Ding Dong!"

You'd been walking for awhile again, a little bit of hopelessness beginning to sit in your heart.
"Y/n? Y/n are you okay?"
"I'm okay Doctor"
You smiled a little bit as he sounded like a fretting mother.
"Doctor, can I ask you a question?"
"Isn't that all you do?"
He muttered, probably sensing your eye rolling no matter how far away you were.
"What happens to the people who come with you? I know others have traveled with you, but the red-headed girl I saw you with the first time, you never mention her, and Sarah Jane, you've never mentioned her before either"
"Sarah Jane went back to her life, Amy, she lived out her life with Rory, she was happy"
You sighed, he answered but he still avoided the question.
"I had to leave some behind, others asked to leave, and some of them, some of them died"
"Why don't you talk about them?"
"Imagine, you've lost everyone you love, and you carry that pain every day, how would you live with yourself?"
"I wouldn't be able to"
There was a silence for a while, until you asked
"Tell me about them.. please"
As you walked, the doctor told you about his past, he sounded like a man getting out a confession as he told you everything, and exactly how each of them left.
The beeping had increased now, you were undeniably on the right path now, your speed picked up by the time he got to Amy.
"And then I met you at the university, but before that someone else, I can't remember"
"Doctor, I think I'm close by"
Finally the right door opened, when you came up the stairs, the grey haired doctor looked back at you in surprise.
You shouted gleefully, jumping up into a hug, the doctor surprisingly let you hug him back, resting his head against your neck.
"Next time, I'll go get the tubes"
"I definitely don't want to go back"

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