Chapter 1. The Arrival.

Start from the beginning

Weight           398 tons.

The ground just shook and trembled as Kayla Kirk the 87-foot tall girl was walking across the countryside. Being 87 feet she was easily seen across the vast prairies of the southwest. Both Mark's parents took in the view at the height they were at. 

  Kayla spoke, "Are you two comfortable. I can slow down a bit if the air current is too strong."

Mrs. Robinson replied, "Oh Kayla we are quite comfortable. Thank you for letting us come along with you and Mark on this camping trip." 

 Kayla replied, "It's no problem at all. This way we can get to know each other. When I pick up Mark he can ride on my left shoulder." 

Kayla as she was walking moved closer to the four-lane highway and was now walking along the side of it   

   Wellington was a city with a population of 95 670. It had 5 tall buildings the tallest was 14 stories. Everyone in Wellington was going about their business as usual. It was a normal Friday spring afternoon. Kayla was now only 4 miles from the city and Mark's dad said pointing, "We are almost there." His wife Mark's mom said, "I'll send Mark a text letting him know that we are almost going to enter Wellington." Mrs. Robinson sent the text message.

As Kayla was nearing the city of Wellington even though she was a couple of miles away she was now seen by the people near the edge of the city cause of her size. Kayla was entering the outskirts of the city.    As Kayla entered the city limits she slowed down her walk and she entered the city, and she headed through the city.  Down below in the streets, vehicles were turning and heading away from her and people were seen running away from her. Kayla just towered over everything in the area. Kayla was nearing one of the main streets along 6 lane street that ran through the entire city of Wellington.  

   Kayla took a turn and she was now walking down a major street and as she was vehicles were sure moving out of her way. People that were on the sidewalks were running away from her screaming and shouting.  Kayla sure was an awesome sight to see as she was now walking down this main street. Down below cars were turning and heading away from her. Kayla was heading to the street that lead across the part of the city to where her boyfriend Mark works.    Kayla was an awesome sight to behold, a massive 87 foot tall young woman walking across a city.  As Kayla was walking she was easily seen for many blocks away. 

  Kayla then stopped she was standing in the middle of the 3 lane street that went across the city, the other three-lane for coming traffic was on the other side of a small divider. Kayla putting her hand on her hips stood there as she looked around and down at the small city all around her. She watched for a moment the traffic speeding away from her. Then looking up the street she saw the street that she needed to head down on.  Kayla dropped her hand to her side and continued down the main street.  

 "There it is 10th Ave south," said Kayla and as she reached it she headed down the street.  

  As Kayla was walking through the city she was easily seen as she just towered over the buildings and trees.

Dereck along with Tiffany and Leah and a few others ran past Mark who was sitting they ran outside. Mark got up and he followed them outside and as he did Dereck was pointing, "LOOK THERE SHE IS, ITS A.. it's REAL." Tiffany said, "OH GOSH, ITS A GIANT." Mark stood there and as he looked over the tops of the buildings around his workplace and the trees he saw Kayla in the distance. She was a good 5 blocks away but from the chest and up she was visible. Leah looking too said, "What is going on, who is she and look there are two people there on her right shoulder."    Mark noticed it too, there were his parents sitting there on his girlfriend's right shoulder. Kayla was now only a couple of blocks away.

Kayla spoke and as she did her voice thundered, "Mark. I am almost at your workplace, I'll pick you up." Everyone at Mark's workplace was shocked and Kayla came around a building and she stepped into the parking lot. Mark's co-workers just stood there looking up and Kayla squatted down and she reached out her right hand and she grabbed Mark wrapping her fingers around his body. Kayla stood upbringing Mark up to her face and she smiled at him holding him close to her face. "Hi, Mark so are you all set to head out." As Kayla spoke her breath hit Mark and his hair moved. Kayla smiled as she looked at her tiny  4.7 inch tall boyfriend. Mark looking into Kayla's face replied, "Oh yes I sure am." Kayla then put Mark onto her left shoulder and Mark sat down. 

 Kayla turned and as she did the people down below felt the ground under their feet tremble and Leah and Tiffany along with Dereck looked up at Kayla's massive backside. Kayla took a couple of steps and she stopped and she turned around and looking down she saw Mark's coworkers and several people. Mark stood up on Kayla's left shoulder and he took a few steps away from Kayla's head and looked down. Dereck, Leah and Tiffany all looking up saw him way up there. Mark shouted, "SEE, SEE I TOLD YOU ALL THAT I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. THIS IS KAYLA KIRK." Kayla stood there as she too was looking at them. "Yes, I am Mark's girlfriend.

   Kayla took a step and as she did the ground trembled and she headed away from Mark's workplace. Kayla was slowly walking through Wellington and as she did Mark stood up there on her left shoulder and with his right hand, he held onto her hair. As Mark was standing there on Kayla's left shoulder her head just towered over him and as Mark looked down he saw people in the streets running to get out of Kayla's way. Mark was looking down at the buildings and the people running through the streets. Kayla Kirk continued her walk through the city and taking a turn she was now on the street that lead out of Wellington.

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