Chapter Thirty

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I was...nervous to approach Delra. After all, we didn't really have the closest relationship between the both of us, and so I was worried that, despite Jox's assurances nothing would go wrong, that...well, things would go wrong. Every time Delra and I talked, it always ended on a rough note, and I guess I was just afraid that this time would be just like those times, and I wasn't sure I could handle any more rejection from my sister. Especially since she was the only family I had left.

But despite all my insecurities telling me to run and hide...I decided to take Jox's advice and actually talk to her and just hope everything went well.

So with a deep breath and a careful placement of my hand to alleviate some of the pain in my chest, I gently knocked on her door, my heart racing within me as nerves climbed up my spine. A part of me secretly hoped that she wasn't here, and that she was busy doing something else, but it seemed that even the gods wanted me to clear the air with her, for she opened her door and peeked at me with similar crimson eyes.

She didn't look surprised to see me, though. It was almost as if she were anticipating my arrival, because she nodded her head and opened the door wider, before she gestured for me to come inside. Clearing my throat awkwardly, I walked inside her relatively modest room and took a seat on the center couch in front of the small fireplace, nibbling my bottom lip as she closed the door and took the seat adjacent to me. After a moment, the both of us sat in silence, listening to the fire crackling as the both of us, no doubt, thought about what to say.

And it was Delra that spoke first, her eyes on her hands as she began to nervously shake her leg up and down, a tick she had whenever she was nervous. "I want to start this off saying I'm sorry. I haven't treated you kindly these past couple of centuries, and for that, I truly do apologize." She looked up at me, crimson gaze searching mine as a matching-colored dread spilled over her bare shoulder. "After losing Father and then Mother not long afterwards...I became weary that you would soon follow, especially once you claimed hold of the throne. After all, Naraka doesn't have the...greatest relationship with a lot of powerful planets, and I knew that they would send assassins, no matter if you were the king that angered their leaders or not. I also knew that're a softhearted, kind individual who would easily be swayed to your death, or imprisonment, and that they would use anyone close to you to achieve such goals."

She sighed and averted her gaze, looking down at her fingers as she fiddled with them in her lap. "It hurt me deeply when our parents died, and the selfish creature I am...well, I didn't want to lose you as well. So, I began to distance myself from you, and tried to get you to hate me so that if anyone ever tried using me against wouldn't be swayed to come to my aid. After all, Asurah's parents had suffered the same fate when one of them were kidnapped. They both died because the enemy exploited and used their own love for one another against them, and the fell because of it. I didn't want that to happen with you...don't want it to happen to you. So, while it doesn't justify how cruel I've treated you...I just...I wanted you to know that I was doing it for a reason, and I hope you understand that I was, as your older sister, just trying to protect you. Because the world out there is cruel to people like us, and they will use whatever means they can to take us out."

I stayed silent as she explained herself, my chest growing tight as my eyes began to sting. Delra didn't hate me? She wasn't angry at me for taking the position she had long awaited to obtain for centuries? This whole time I've been living my life with the thought that she didn't care about me, that she blamed me or hated me for our parents' deaths. But that wasn't the case. She cared about me. She was just trying to protect me from the cruel people of this universe, and that thought alone made the tears began forming in my eyes as an overwhelming sense of relief washed over me, and before I knew it, I was crying, causing Delra to panic as she awkwardly began rubbing my arm, looking as if she didn't quite know what she was doing.

"I-I didn't mean to make you cry Delkele. Gods, what does one do in this predicament?" She wondered more to herself as she continued to try to soothe me.

I sniffled and dragged the palm of my hands against my eyes, trying to stave some of the tears so I could actually respond to her and say something without bawling like a massive baby. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I had cried in her presence, or if I ever had, and I had no doubt I was essentially short-circuiting her with my sudden slew of emotions.

Once I was able to get ahold of myself, I finished wiping the tears from my eyes and shifted my body towards her, causing her to snap up when she realized my attention was on her. "I apologize about that. That was...unseemly of me and probably a dreadful sight. I just...this whole time I thought you loathed me because I was the one appointed ruler of Naraka and you weren't, and now you tell me that that wasn't the case at all, and that you were just protecting me the whole time. It''s a lot to take in, especially since I have such low...self-esteem as is and figured there was just something wrong with me. This is...gods I am so relieved that you don't hate me. You're the only family I have left and I've felt like I've been alone this whole time." I shook my head and dragged a hand through my hair, wincing when the action caused the pain in my chest to flair back up. "Thank you for informing me about your true intentions. You don't know just how happy and relieved this makes me."

Delra nodded her head and nibbled at her bottom lip, giving my back a small pat as she leaned back in her seat. "I felt like, after this assassin nearly succeeded in killing you, that I needed to clear the air. Before it becomes too late." She sighed. "I'm just so tired of being the target of others, just because of how our ancestors behaved. Naraka is a beautiful, cultural place and it irritates me that no one else can see it."

"Well, perhaps this "arranged marriage" of mine will help alleviate some of the tension," I spoke, shooting a knowing glance in her direction as her sunkissed cheeks darkened.

"Gods, it's so weird that you're getting married. And to the woman that I'm seeing on top of that." She shivered and glanced towards me. "It's unusual. And yes, I know the plan, Emylle explained it all to me, and Delkele," she shifted her body towards me and draped her arm on the back of the couch, "I will admit that I'm worried. If Elphes even catches the smallest hint that this marriage is a scam, you know damn well he is going to wage war on us. Naraka can't handle another war, not so soon after we've just recovered. I just want to make sure that you're confident that this will work."

I pursed my lips and wrapped my arms around myself, nibbling at the inside of my cheek as I nodded slowly. "As long as Emylle and I keep up "appearances", everything should remain peaceful. And if much as I hate to admit it or even get them involved...Glacida has our backs, should Elphes try anything uncouth."

Delra stared at me for a moment, seemingly thinking about my answer before she sighed and nodded her head, leaning her head on her hand. "If you truly believe this will work, then...I support you, na'tol." She then raised her brows. "Speaking of which...that Glacic sure does love you, you know. He was worried about you the entire time and had to be...persuaded to move away from you and let you recover."

I pursed my lips. "So, you led him to the assassin. Made him want to get answers for the attack on my life."

Delra nodded. "He needed it too, though. He needed to get his mind off of you so that he wasn't worrying himself to death."

I sighed and relaxed more on the couch, my body sinking into the soft cushions as I stared off into the fire, a warmth spreading through me at the thought of the other man. "Delra...I want to spend my life with him. I never thought I would ever meet someone who wanted me, especially after Asurah rejected me. But I am glad it happened like this, because I wouldn't have connected with Jox in a way I've never connected with anyone before...and for that, I feel happy for the future and what it may bring." I glanced at her. "I do hope that one day you and Emylle connect on the level that Jox and I have. I want the both of you to be happy."

Delra's eyes warmed and she placed a hand on my knee; a quick glimmer in crimson depths being the only indication of any tears forming. "We both deserve to be happy, na'tol. And perhaps now, we can both finally achieve that."

A/N: Awwwww, I'm glad these two finally made up after all these years! And I think it's so cute how Emylle and Delra are now together, since Emylle especially, seems like the levelheaded one of the duo lol.

Translations: Na'tol=Brother 

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