Chapter Eleven

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(Jox's POV)

I couldn't even begin to describe the feelings that shot through me upon seeing Delkele. Relief. Wonder. Curiosity. Anger. Want. He was such a divine sight, powerful in his appearance, though, adorably enough, his hair was a wild mess, as if he didn't have time to comb it before rushing to see me. I had wanted so bad to ask why he hadn't answered my calls, but before I was able to ask, he beat me to the punch, apologizing and explaining that he had been busy. Which, I didn't fault him for that, after all, he was royalty, ruler of an entire planet. So all in all, I shouldn't have been angry with him in the first place. I mean, he had his own crap to deal with, and I was just being annoying.

So I hadn't said anything, only told him about Asurah's plans and what he wanted to do for his people. Delkele was onboard, of course, and I couldn't help my gaze from straying to his plump lips as he spoke. His hands were folded on his desk, a desk that was piled high with wonder he wasn't able to answer my calls, the amount of work he had on his desk would have anyone locked away for hours. Hel, now that I was actually here, my guilt began to grow, and I felt disgusted with myself that I had even been angry at him in the first place. I could literally see the exhaustion that plagued him, from the deep circles under his eyes, and for a brief moment, I wondered just how much sleep this poor man got, or if he even had slept at all.

"I agree with Asurah. It would be beneficial for him to implement a security detail on Glacida, especially thanks to recent events." He scratched at his chin and began to idly twirl a pen around his long fingers, my attention immediately transfixed. "Though, it will probably take a week for me to gather a few crews to begin designing these structures. Does Asurah have a list of where he wants these bunkers to be located?"

I blinked out of my thoughts and gave him a sheepish smile, leaning back in my seat as I tapped on the surface of my tablet. "Nothing specific yet, but I believe he wants shelters located in all of the major cities. As well as one near the palace for the workers and their families. In reality, we would probably need to sit down with him to get a more complete picture of what he wants."

Delkele nodded his hand and sat down the pen he had been messing with, the redhead nibbling at his bottom lip. "We'll definitely need to do that." He then glanced at me with those ruby colored eyes, not really saying anything, just...staring.

I began to fidget in my chair, my cheeks warming as I cleared my throat and looked down at my tablet, suddenly feeling self-conscious, for some reason. ", anyway, that's why I came here. I, ah, would have called ahead, but-"

"I understand," Delkele interrupted, his voice quiet, and soft. "I really am sorry I haven't answered any of your calls, Jox."

I waved my hand and shook my head, taking a risky glance towards him. "Like I told you, it's fine. I just...I don't know what I was thinking, so forgive me for that."

Delkele nodded his head and bit at his bottom lip, my gaze dropping to watch. "So, ah, like I said, it will take about a week to gather teams, and the needed supplies. Ah...will you be staying? O-Or does Asurah need you there to go over the details?"

My heart began beating quickly in my chest, warmth spreading through me at the thought of staying near Delkele. Should I? I mean, I didn't want to impose, and he seemed like he had a lot of work ahead of him, what with gathering teams, and supplies, on top of trying to do his daily work. Or did I go back to Asurah and see if I couldn't flesh out his plans a little bit more? Was it bad that I wanted to stay? I spent so long worrying that Delkele didn't like me anymore, and now that I was reassured that wasn't the case...I wanted to spend more time with him. Be it as friends, or as something a little more...romantic.

But...what if he didn't want me to stay? What if he was worried he wouldn't be able to spend much time with me? What if he did want me to stay, but was worried about what his people would think? Or hell, what his sister would think? From what he told me about her, she wasn't the kindest person around and often made Delkele feel less than ok, by putting every decision he made down. What if he was worried that she would scare me away?

What if? What if? What if?

Gods, I was so tired of what if's. Sometimes I wished I knew what he was thinking. He was already such a hard man to read, thanks to him spending his whole life behind a false mask. Did he even want me here? Or was I just being self-deprecating as always?

With a heavy sigh, I pursed my lips and looked at him, his eyes so beautiful in the candle-lit interior. I ached to lean forward and kiss him, but somehow, I held my ground and gave him a smile instead. "I can stay. I don't really have anything to do on Glacida, and I'm sure Asurah won't have any problems calling us, or us calling him for more details on the emergency bunkers." I paused at Delkele's worried stare. " don't want me here." My heart pinched painfully, a frown making its way onto my face as dread began to fill me.

Why would he look so worried about me staying here? Was he hiding something from me? Maybe he was worried about his sister doing something to harm me? What the hell was that look for?

Delkele immediately shook his head and held up a hand, a frown on his face as he sheepishly averted his gaze. "It's not that, Jox, truly. I would...I would love nothing more than to have you stay here." He paused, looking as if he was warring with himself, before that crimson gaze found mine. "Its just...if you do...there's something you need to know."

Immediately my mind filled with the worse scenarios, my heart hammering in my chest as I waited for the worst to happen. "What aren't you telling me, Delkele?"

Delkele ran his fingers through his hair and opened his mouth to answer, however...he was interrupted by a knock on the door, the man sighing in frustration as he dropped his hand to the desk. "Gods, who is it now?" He muttered, shooting me an apologetic look. "Enter."

The door opened and...a beautiful dark-skinned woman walked inside, her light green eyes going wide when she noticed my presence. It didn't take a genius to know who this was, after all, Asurah had had dealings with the family for years now. And the fact that she was here...I felt like my heart shattered in a million pieces, the backs of my eyes burning as I turned to look at Delkele, whose face had paled upon Emylle's arrival.

"E-Emylle," he stammered, gulping as that crimson gaze shifted to me.

Emylle opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again. "I-I am so sorry. I-I didn't realize you were in a meeting. I'm so sorry, I can come back later at a more convenient time-"

"I cannot believe you!" I growled, staring at Delkele, my breath labored as my world seemingly fell apart around me. "You're going through with the marriage? Even after-" I shook my head and stood up, desperately needing some fresh air.

"It's not what you think, Jox," Delkele tried pleading with me, standing up with me as I grabbed my tablet and began making for the door. "Dammit Jox, just listen to me!"

I would have, too, if I didn't feel like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. Hell...I hadn't hurt this bad since Luthiaer betrayed me, and when that had happened... Gods, I didn't want to go through that again, and the fact I was feeling this way meant my feelings ran much deeper than a crush, and that scared me. And despite Delkele calling me and pleading for me to stop and listen to him, I continued to try to get away.

A/N: And LET THE DRAMA ENSUE!!!!! Poor Delkele, man's overworked and now his bae is mad at him T-T. Jox needs to let Delkele explain himself, and oof, I wonder what Emylle is thinking right about now O.o

Anywho, hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Lemme know what you think! I love feedback!

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