Relationship with Seventeen

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Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups): Qiang and Seungcheol are very close. They're the same age and Seungcheol really did his best as leader to try and bring Qiang into the group even though there was a language barrier at first. While he might look intimidating, Qiang didn't think he was at all when they first met. He gravitated towards him immediately.

Yoon Jeonghan: They're not the closest of the members, but they're still really good friends. Jeonghan definitely took over the 'mother' aspect for Qiang. He would help him with chores around the dorm and made sure that he always had food before the others. The two talk from time to time over the phone, but not as much as he does with other members.

Hong Jisoo (Joshua): It took a while for the two to become friends. Qiang was extremely shy and there was also a language barrier. However, the two closely bonded during their Korean lessons and would help each other out where they could. He was one of the first members to meet Josh's parents and a few friends from back home.

Wen Junhui (Jun): The two are like brothers. Junhui was able to communicate with Qiang in their native language and until he got used to Korean, Junhui was the one who would translate everything for him so he knew what was going on. Qiang admired Jun's dance skills and when he first started training with the group, he tried to mimic him in that aspect as much as possible.

Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi): Surprisingly, Qiang was probably most intimidated by Hoshi when he first met everyone. That quickly changed when he saw how playfully and funny he was. Hoshi would stay back late some days to help Qiang nail choreography for the monthly evaluations and has always been good at uplifting his mood when he felt disappointed or down on himself.

Jeon Wonwoo: Like with Joshua, it took a while for the two to be comfortable with each other. Wonwoo is a man of little words and so is Qiang so, for them to actually have a conversation with one another was like a miracle. Wonwoo used to help Qiang write his raps and would help him on getting timing down as well. The two enjoy playing video games together and talk almost every day.

Lee Jihoon (Woozi): Like Hoshi, Qiang was really intimidated by Woozi when he first met him. It felt like he never smiled and that he was always moving ten steps ahead of everyone. When Qiang found him one day, frustratedly tearing out pages from a notebook, he had stepped in and offered to help in any way he could, even if he had no idea about producing. After that, the two are pretty close and Woozi's helped him learn a lot more about producing and lyric writing since.

Lee Seokmin (DK/Dokyeom): Even though there was a language barrier, Dokyeom was the first one to start talking with the young trainee. Qiang couldn't understand half of what the poor was saying, but Dokyeom was good at using hand gestures and facial features to act out what he was saying. When he needs a good laugh or just someone to distract him from his brain, Dokyeom is the one he turns to.

Kim Mingyu: Like Jeonghan, Mingyu also played that 'mother' role for Qiang. He learned how to make different Chinese dishes from Qiang's hometown to make him feel like he was more at home. Qiang helped him a lot to learn the Chinese and he's always just felt a comfortable aura around Mingyu. Out of all the members, Mingyu is probably his mom's favorite. Mingyu talks to Qiang's mom more than he does sometimes.

Xu Minghao (The8): Like Jun, the two are like brothers. Minghao was one of the first members to meet Qiang's parents and younger sister. Minghao has always been patient with Qiang and has always been good at calming his mind down when it's racing on overdrive. He also helped to translate things for Qiang until he was more comfortable with Korean and the two video chat nearly every day and hang out at least once a week.

Boo Seungkwan: Qiang found him a little annoying at first. He didn't like being scolded by him even though he was older than him. Seungkwan grew on him though and Qiang thinks he has an amazing voice. He saw how hard Seungkwan worked to get exposure for the group when they first started out and Qiang admires him for that deeply.

Choi Hansol (Vernon): One of the members where neither of them have to say anything to know what the other one is thinking, feeling or wanting. They enjoy the same type of music and songs. Qiang hated how much he hate he got at the beginning just for looking different than the rest of them and he made sure to compliment Vernon on something every day. The two talk every now and then, but they seem to just know when the other needs them.

Lee Chan (Dino): Qiang felt like Dino was way to young to be exposed to this kind of life so, he definitely took on the role of protector and big brother. Dino has amazing dance skills and Qiang loved staying late to watch the boy and give him advice or his thoughts on the routine when Dino would ask. He checks up on him every week to make sure that he's still doing well. Dino cried the most when Qiang was not picked for the debut group and when he announced he was leaving the company.

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