Road To Kingdom: Welcome To Our Kingdom

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The Boyz win on Road To Kingdom

"And the winner is. . ." Qiang really hated when they made everyone wait in suspense. "The winner will be announced after these messages." They all groaned as filming stopped for the 10 minutes the commercials would run. "I hate this suspense." Qiang muttered and Younghoon chuckled, linking their arms together. "You're just impatient."

Qiang scoffed and then they came back on air. "Welcome back. We will now announce the winner and who will be able to enter the Kingdom." They all held hands, heads bowed and Qiang prayed to whatever high power was out there to let them get this win. It would give them so much more exposure and the opportunity to come back if they a second season.

"The Boyz! Congratulations!" Qiang thought he had heard her wrong. The grasp that Younghoon and Sangyeon had on his hands tightened and he looked up to see all the boys pretty much in tears. He felt his own eyes burning with tears.

They had worked so hard for this show, to get their name out their more and gain more of a following. Qiang had worked himself to the bone to keep up with the others and make sure he was the best he could be. It all seemed to be worth it right now in this moment.

"We did it! We did it!" Eric yelled, jumping up and down with happy tears streaming down his face. He jumped into Qiang's arm, squeezing tight as Qiang chuckled. "That we did, kiddo." They all hugged each other and complimented the other group before they left.

Back in the waiting room, Qiang was one of the first to change and was just waiting on the others to be able to leave. He was exhausted now. Now that the competition was over, he felt like all the stress he had been holding disappeared and left him utterly fatigued.

Sangyeon seemed to feel the same thing as he practically collapsed on the couch next to him. Qiang patted his leg. "You did good, leader," he said with a tired smile and Sangyeon smiled back, resting his head on the back of the couch and closing his eyes.

"I'm so happy I don't even know what to say. I'm so proud of everyone. I know I was lacking, but you all did so well." Qiang smacked his knee. "You are not lacking Sangyeon. We voted you as leader for a reason. You're a damn good one. Don't undermine yourself like that." Sangyeon only hummed, patting Qiang's hand. "Yeah, yeah."

Finally, in the cars and on the way home, Qiang still felt the burning of tears in his eyes. He as so happy and so relieved but he didn't want to cry in front of the others. "It's okay to cry you know," Kevin said next to him without looking at him. "I'm not crying." Qiang quipped.

Kevin snorted and shook his head. "Please, you're eyes have been glossy since they announced it. You're not a robot. It's okay to be overwhelmingly happy." Qiang chuckled and leaned his head against the window. "You're right," he murmured.

He blinked and few tears fell, then they kept coming. It was silent and he didn't make any noise. He jumped a little when Kevin's hand flew into his field of vision with some tissues. His eyes were still glued to his phone and Qiang took them with a smile.

This was probably one of the best days of his life.

The Boyz 12th Member AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon