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Qiang is feeling a little homesick

"Miss you too, mom. I'll see you soon." Qiang waved into the phone screen with a smile until his mom hung up the video call. He dropped his phone on his bed and sighed. He really missed home. Mainly his parents. With the time differences he didn't get to talk to them as often as the other members were able to talk to their families.

He was grateful for where he was at in life right now, definitely. He just wished he could get a few days to go see his parents. Usually, it really didn't bother him that much. It really only got to him when his birthday would come around or holidays. For whatever reason, it just seemed to be getting to him today.

"Donghyun!" Jacob shouted as he threw the door open to the bedroom. Qiang jumped a little, smacking his head on the bunk above him. "How many times have I told you not to do that!" He hissed, rubbing the spot on his head and Jacob only laughed, giving a half-hearted apology.

"Me, Kevin and Younghoon were going to go to the mall for some things. Wanna come?" Normally, Qiang would jump at the opportunity. More so that he could be there if anything happened, but he just wasn't feeling the energy today. "Not today, Jacob. Make sure you all stay close to manager." Qiang laid back down and Jacob frowned, kneeling down by the side of his bed and placing his chin on the mattress.

"But you always like coming to the mall with us. And Younghoon is going. You like Younghoon." Qiang chuckled, ruffling his hair. "I like all of you, babo. I'm just feeling a little tired today is all. I wouldn't be much fun." Jacob's frowned only deepened but he didn't bug him anymore. "Make sure you message me if anything happens. And when you get there. And when you're leaving." Jacob laughed, rolling his eyes. "Yes, mom."

In the car on the way to the mall, Jacob still wore a frown. "What's wrong?" Kevin asked and Jacob opened his mouth to say something then closed it. "Qiang is acting weird." Kevin only stared at him, waiting for more of an explanation. "He was supposed to talk to his mom today. He always gets down after that." Kevin and Jacob shared a look of understanding.

"Sometimes I forget that his parents are a country away," Kevin murmured and Jacob hummed in agreement. "He'll be okay. He'll just nap and wake up good as new. Happens every time," Younghoon said with a shrug. "We should surprise him with tastes of home today!" Jacob exclaimed and Kevin excitedly agreed.

At the mall the boys bought Qiang a little something in hopes that it would cheer him up a little. Once back at home, they clued everyone else in on the surprise they were planning while Qiang napped peacefully in bed. The quickly got to work, wanting everything to be done before he woke up.

Qiang was awakened to a familiar smell wafting through the dorm. Confused and still waking himself up, he stumbled out of bed and down the hallway towards the kitchen. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he heard arguing coming from the kitchen. "I said to put that there when it started boiling!" New hissed at whoever else was with him.

"I did! It just didn't go right?" That was Younghoon. Qiang groaned, walking into the kitchen to stop the arguing. "What are you two—what's all this?" He stared at the table in awe, covered in different dishes from his home country. "You're not supposed to be in here!" New screeched, trying to push him out but it was too late.

The others peaked into the kitchen, Jacob groaning when he saw Qiang had already saw the surprise. "I told you not to wake him up!" Jacob said and Younghoon only smiled. "You two are the worst," Jacob mumbled and stood by the table. "Surprise?" He said with a smile and Qiang only stared at him then back at the table then back at him.

The table was filled with different dishes. There was dumplings that looked eerily similar to his mom's, vermicelli rolls, ma po tofu, , cong you bing, and on the stove it smelled very much like Sichuan pork. "What is going on? How long have I been sleeping?" Qiang rubbed his eyes again, thinking he was dreaming.

Jacob only laughed. "Younghoon called your mom and asked for her recipes. You seemed a little down after talking to her. I know we tend to forget that you're parents are in a whole different country. We thought it might help with the homesickness a little bit." Jacob bit his bottom lip nervously and Qiang smiled, walking up to him and squeezing him in a hug. "Thank you," he murmured.

It was one of the best meals he had in the past few weeks. It didn't taste exactly like his mom's, but the effort was there and he truly appreciated it. He may have family back in China, but this, the boys in this dorm were definitely his second family.

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